
512 6th St.

Two story building with red siding and gabled false-front roof.
512 6th St. in downtown Calumet, MI.

NPS Photo

Quick Facts
Calumet, MI
Contributing Structure to the Calumet National Historic Landmark District
Private Property

Cellular Signal, Parking - Auto

This building was erected in 1908 as a wholesale warehouse and office facility for the Lake Superior Produce Company. It was designed by architect Frank Hessenmeuller and built by contractor Charles Anderson. The building was conveniently located adjacent to the Copper Range railyard. The company maintained a stable in the rear of the building.
This building was later used for the same purposes by the Peninsula Wholesale Grocery Company, and the Cahodas-Paoli Company. Cahodas-Paoli was a local firm which was at one time the third largest fruit producer in the country. In the early 1960s, the Baroni family purchased the building. They produced Italian foods here until 2008, when the company was purchased by Vollwerths. After production was moved to Hancock, the building was sold to the current owner, and the Old School Baking Company later moved in.

Keweenaw National Historical Park

Last updated: May 8, 2021