Last updated: March 29, 2021
2 - Guard Tower
WAYSIDE LAYOUT: Cream colored, horizontally oriented panel with a dark banner running across the top. The banner reads “Golden Gate National Recreation Area” on the left and the National Park Service logo on the right. The wayside has a faded image as a background and two columns of information. The first column has text and the second column has two images.
BACKGROUND IMAGE: The background image shows the water tower and the guard tower. There are tall staircases and walkways leading to the guard tower. A fence is in the foreground, surrounding both the guard and water tower.
CAPTION: Alcatraz’s guard towers and catwalks were installed in 1934 – the federal penitentiary’s first year in operation. When the wind blew and the catwalks rocked, patrol above the island could be frightening work.
TEXT: Guard Tower: Watching from above. Imagine eyes following your every move. Alcatraz inmates knew such scrutiny. Heavily armed guards kept watch from this tower, plus five others, and a system of catwalks that loomed over the Rock.
The officers used both bullhorns and bullets to warn escape-minded inmates and boats that ventured too near the island. Warnings worked with inquisitive boaters, but several determined escapees ignored the officers and were either shot of recaptured.
DESCRIPTION #1: Black and white image looking through a closed fence gate. Behind the gate is a guard looking out from the walkway with the guard tower just behind him.
CAPTION: Tower duty was a cold and lonely assignment often given to correctional officers new to Alcatraz.
DESCRIPTION #2: Black and white photo of a guard tower overlooking the water. Within the tower, the spiral staircase guards used to reach the top can be seen. Behind the tower, in the distance, is a boat in the water.
CAPTION: On-duty officers were locked in the towers and connecting sections of catwalk for eight hours, until the next shift arrived.