Last updated: April 11, 2024
101 5th St. Green Block

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Quick Facts
Calumet, MI
Contributing Structure to the Calumet National Historic Landmark District
Private Property
3 listed
Cellular Signal, Gifts/Souvenirs/Books, Parking - Auto
According to local legend, John Green built this building sometime around 1868. Green sold mining supplies and general stock. By 1884, the building was occupied by a confectionery as well as a dry goods store. In 1888, the south storefront was still occupied by a dry goods store, but the north storefront was occupied by a coffin showroom, probably owned by the Argall brothers, John and William. They operated a furniture and undertaking business here until at least 1900. The combination of furniture and undertaking was common in those years. Cabinet-making skills used for making fine furniture were equally applicable to the production of caskets. Soon after they opened their business here, the Argalls moved to the south storefront, and the north storefront was occupied by a fruit and confectionery store again for several years. By 1908, William Kehl had a saloon in the south storefront, and Athens Anegone had the fruit and confectionery store next door. Anegone also ran a cigar factory upstairs. In the 1950s and 60s this building was home to the very popular Franklin Fountain, and later the Town House Restaurant. It became home to Copper World when Tony and Joyce Bausano purchased the building in 1977.