Last updated: July 9, 2021
Stairs of Separation
The Stairs of Separation acquired this name because each staircase led to a different destination. The south staircase (to your left, looking down) was for immigrants who were allowed entry and going to the New York dock. The north staircase (to your right, looking down) was for immigrants who were allowed entry but wanted to exchange currency, purchase a railroad ticket or snack before heading to either New York or New Jersey. The center staircase was for immigrants who were to be held for additional inspection- either medical or legal. Out of time? Continue down the stairs, turning left at the bottom and straight ahead to the Baggage Room where you entered the building. The exit to your Ferry is on the right. As you continue out of the building, the Ferry to New York-Battery Park will be on your left. The Ferry to Liberty Island-Liberty State Park will be on your right.