
Spanish Guard Room 1

Vaulted ceiling room with bunks connected to the side walls with 8 mattresses. shelves holding a drum, lantern, shoes, tricorn hats, bowls, and pottery. a table with food on it is in the center of the room and behind the table is a fireplace with cooking implements in it
Spanish Guard Room

Quick Facts

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits

Accessible only through the Sally Port are the Spanish guard rooms and a locked room that served as the town jail. During Spanish occupation, soldiers did not live inside the Castillo. They walked to work from their homes in town. The soldiers detailed to be on overnight guard duty would have used these rooms to rest, cook food and spend free time socializing and playing games. The room that is currently our bookstore, was once part of the officers' quarters.

Soldier Life 360 Video

Join volunteer Orlando as he discusses soldier life in 1740s St. Augustine using immersive 360 degree technology.

To watch the video tap HERE

Castillo de San Marcos National Monument

Last updated: February 11, 2021