
Soda Springs, Glen Aulin, Waterwheel Falls Trailhead

Two people walk past a metal sign that lists the hiking destinations of the trail they're on.

Quick Facts

Hike through meadow and forest on this scenic trail that leads you to Glen Aulin and beyond.

Soda Springs
Soda Springs-carbonated, cold water bubbling out of the ground-is protected within a log enclosure. A side path leads to the nearby historic Parsons Memorial Lodge, which offers exhibits in the summer. (limited hours-see Yosemite Guide for schedule).

Glen Aulin
Follow the Tuolumne River as it drops to Glen Aulin. Tuolumne Fall and White Cascade are four miles from the trailhead. Beyond Glen Aulin are California Fall (13 miles roundtrip), LeConte Fall (15 miles roundtrip), and Waterwheel Falls (18 miles roundtrip). The return hike follows the same route.

Soda Springs (easy)
1 mile (1.6 km) round-trip; 30 minutes
No elevation gain

Glen Aulin (moderately strenuous)
10.4 miles (16.7 km) round-trip; 6-8 hours
800 ft (244 m) elevation gain

Waterwheel Fall is also accessible via this trailhead. For hiking and trail information, please visit a wilderness center or visitor center.

Hours :
Accessible only while Tioga Road is open to vehicles, from late May or early June to sometime in October or November.

Getting Here :
The trailhead is located along Tioga Road, approximately a quarter mile east of the Tuolumne Meadows Visitor Center, across from the dump station.

Rules & Regulations :
- Stay on established trails
- Pets are not allowed on hiking trails
- Pack out what you pack in
- Overnight backpackers need a wilderness permit, which can be obtained at the Yosemite Valley Wilderness Center.
- Bear canisters are required for wilderness food storage for overnight hikers.
- Bears and other wildlife can be present on trails at any time of the day or night. Feeding and approaching wildlife is dangerous and illegal! Be sure to properly store your food.
- Tioga Road closes after the first significant snowfall. Overnight parking on this road ends October 15. For current road and weather information, please call 209/372-0200.

Hazards & Warnings :
- Stay off domes during thunderstorms!
- Carry (and drink) plenty of water: a leading cause of injuries on the trail is dehydration. Be sure to treat river, stream, lake, or spring water.
- Always carry a map and compass, and know how to use them, and wear sturdy footwear with good traction.
- Be prepared for sudden changes in weather and conditions.

Accessibility :
The first quarter mile of the dirt trail is flat, with small paved sections, however, is not considered accessible.

Yosemite National Park

Last updated: April 16, 2021