Last updated: June 9, 2023
Robert Emmet Memorial

NPS / Claire Hassler
Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Public Transit, Wheelchair Accessible
The standing figure of Robert Emmet, Irish patriot and an early leader in the cause for Irish Independence, was presented to the United States in 1916. The statue, dedicated April 22, 1966, is on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
Dedicated: April 22, 1966
Sculptor: Jerome Conner
Center paver
The Emmet Statue Committee
Hon. Victor J. Dowling, Chairman
Presented this statue to the Smithsonian Institution as a gift to the American people on June 28, 1917 in the presence of President Woodrow Wilson.
(a clover leaf is inscribed here) Erected on this site on April 22, 1966 in recognition of the fiftieth anniversary of the proclamation of Irish Independence
Pedestal, back
I wish to procure for my country the guarantee which Washington procured for America.
I have parted from everything that was dear to me in this life for my country's cause.
When my country takes her place among the nations of the Earth, then, and not till then let my epitaph be written.
Extracts from Emmet's speech from the dock September 19, 1803