
Potwisha Amphitheater

Benches in the forest at Potwisha Amphitheater
Potwisha Amphitheater


Quick Facts
Potwisha Campground, Sequoia National Park

Amphitheater, Audio Description, Benches/Seating, Wheelchair Accessible

Up to 50 people can enjoy a ranger-led programs at the Potwisha Campground Amphitheater. Parking is located across the street from the campground. For evening programs, please watch your footing and remember to bring a flashlight. A sign at the front of the campground, posts current program times. Program information is also available at visitor centers.


Parking is located across the street from the Potwisha Amphitheater-use caution when crossing the road, especially after sunset. For evening programs, remember to bring a flashlight.

Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks

Last updated: June 11, 2021