Last updated: April 4, 2021
Plows, Harrow, and Scraper
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Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits
Plows were used to break or turn the earth before planting and, at first, were pulled by horse and then, later, by tractor. Within this area there are many different plows.
Early horse-drawn disk harrows were first featured in the 1890s. One type of harrow used here was the spike-toothed gang harrow. The spikes were diamond shaped and welded to the frames. These harrow sections were linked together and pulled behind a horse or tractor to smooth the ground and break up clods.
The horse-drawn Fresno-style scraper was made in Fresno, California, and hence, the name "Fresno-style." This bucket-type scraper was used to scrape a layer of dirt to smooth the ground.