Last updated: April 5, 2024
Low Water Crossing

NPS Photo / Jack Burton
Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits
For many years this low-water crossing served as the primary access to the LBJ Ranch; for non-Texans, it served as a dramatic entry into LBJ's world. The construction of this dam and crossing was the first improvement made to the ranch by Lyndon Johnson after he purchased it in 1951. In times of high water, the Johnsons had to fly out or go out the back of the ranch. The first bridge over this stretch of the Pedernales was not built until 1968.
Behind you is the East Gate to the ranch—the main entrance. During the presidential years, security here was heavy. When President and Mrs. Johnson visited the ranch, so did dozens of Secret Service agents. Even when the Johnsons were away, the Secret Service kept watch over the property. Most of the equipment and structures built for security reasons still remain.