Last updated: January 21, 2021
Lobos Creek Trailhead

Lobos Creek Valley provides important native plant and wildlife habitat in an otherwise urban area. A boardwalk winds through the dunes, allowing access to view San Francisco native dune habitats as they were before the city. In fact, a young Ansel Adams grew up in this neck of the woods and frequently explored the valley. This is a great place for aspiring wildlife photographers!
Water for the Presidio
The creek has long been an important source of water for the Presidio, and even for the town of San Francisco in its early days. Today it has the last free-flowing stream in San Francisco and provides important native plant and wildlife habitat in an otherwise dense urban environment.
Habitat Restoration
Ongoing restoration of the coastal dune scrub plant community in the valley is helping to bring rare plant species, like the San Francisco lessingia, back to the area. The riparian and coniferous forests make for good birdwatching, too.