
Little Red House Site

small wood building with open doorway surrounded by trees.
Little Red House Site

Quick Facts

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits

An old, red, two-room house, probably a remnant of the More occupation, stood near the bend in the eucalyptus trees by the pier. A red outhouse stood nearby. Cowboys and their families lived in the house. Later the house was used for storage. The ranch supply of dynamite sat in the building for years until becoming deteriorated and dangerous. With the help of Navy experts, the house and its contents were burned, leaving only the outhouse, which was stabilized, repaired, placed on a new foundation, and reroofed by NPS in 2003.

For more detailed historical information and citations, please refer to the Historic Resource Study: Island Legacies - A History of the Islands within Channel Islands National Park

Channel Islands National Park

Last updated: March 28, 2021