
Information Panel: John Brown's Last Stand

 Wayside with John Brown Museum and Monument in the background.

Quick Facts

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits

You are in the line of fire. The stone marker in front of you identifies the original site of the armory fire engine house--now known as John Brown's Fort. Barricaded inside the fort, abolitionist John Brown and his men held off local militia and U.S. Marines for three days in October 1859. Brown's men fired from inside the fort at militiamen and townspeople who shot back from positions around you. Finally, U.S. Marines stormed past where you stand, battered down the door, and captured Brown and his few remaining men. Famous orator and former slave Frederick Douglass later proclaimed that Brown's fight here began "the war that ended slavery."

Harpers Ferry National Historical Park

Last updated: December 28, 2020