
Dirt Filling

A Bobcat tractor digs into the gundeck of the fort.
Early restoration attempts were sometimes invasive, as shown with the Bobcat tractor.  Excavations found that the interior of the fort was filled with nothing more than dirt and construction debris.  Today excavations, archaeological research and repairs are completed with less invasive techniques.

Quick Facts

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits

A solid foundation is vital for a fortification, especially underneath the heavy cannons.

With the exception of the water cistern at the center, the base of the fort is filled in with dirt and construction debris. There was no need for extra storage space or to spend the time and resources to construct it of solid stone. The outer walls provided adequate protection against enemy attacks. The dirt filling provided enough support for the living space and observation tower as well as heavy cannons on the gundeck.

Fort Matanzas National Monument

Last updated: April 13, 2021