
Butt-Millet Memorial Fountain

A circular fountain with a rectangular stone sculpture depicting Francis Davis Millet in the middle.
Butt-Millet Memorial Fountain

NPS / Claire Hassler

Quick Facts

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits

Mystery has surrounded Archibald Butt and Francis Millet ever since their tragic death aboard the RMS Titanic on April 15, 1912. Believed to be the only officials of the United States who perished aboard the ship, Congress passed a joint resolution soon after their death authorizing the construction of a memorial in their honor.

Sculpted by Daniel Chester French, the Butt-Millet Memorial Fountain was the first memorial built on the Ellipse. Both the design and location of the memorial fountain were carefully chosen to represent the two close friends.

Both men were widely known in Washington's cultural, social, and political circles. Millet was a painter and a member of the Fine Arts Commission. He also directed the American Academy in Rome, Italy. Major Butt had been a military aide to both President Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft. The fountain is not far from where Major Butt's White House office was located. The military figure with sword and shield represents Major Butt, and the artist with palette and brush represents Mr. Millet. Besides being a memorial, the fountain was designed to double as a water feature for the horses ridden by U.S. Park Police while on patrol.

Historians have asserted that Butt and Millet were involved in a romantic relationship. LGBTQ people have always existed, but throughout history have often been unable to live and love openly due to persecution and social stigma. Millet and Butt were close friends and lived together in Butt’s house on G street, often attending social gatherings and hosting parties as a pair. Butt never married. Millet did but he and his wife were estranged, and she lived in their home in Italy. Historian Richard Davenport Hines wrote that “the enduring partnership of Butt and Millet was an early case of ‘Don't ask, don't tell.’ Washington insiders tried not to focus too closely on the men's relationship, but they recognized their mutual affection. And they were together in death as in life.”  
Butt and Millet had vacationed in Europe together and were returning home to the United States aboard the Titanic when it sank. Butt’s eulogy in the Washington Times recalled that, “the two men had a sympathy of mind which was most unusual.” The piece claimed that Butt was, “mourned by Washingtonians of all walks of life,” and that “none could help admiring either man.”

Inscriptions: In memory of Francis Davis Millet 1846-1912 and Archibald Willingham Butt 1865-1912. This monument has been erected by their friends with the sanction of Congress.

Reflection Question
Open your notes app and draw the memorial you would design for someone you love. What elements would it include and why? What text would you include, if any? Take a screenshot and add your memorial to your DC Queer History Walking Tour album.

The White House and President's Park

Last updated: January 23, 2025