Last updated: March 8, 2023
Armory Pit
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Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits
The U.S. Rifle Factory (1844-1861) used new waterworks to power the Finishing Shop, Tilt Hammer Shop., and Machine Shop on Lower Hall Island. In 1850, the Harpers Ferry Armory purchased its first Boyden turbine for the new Tilt Hammer Shop. Three years later, in 1853, a second Boyden turbine was installed in the large masonry wheel pit seen here. The installation, constructed underneath the new Machine Shop, included a new stone and cast-iron forebay, a new culvert that drained the tailwater from the wheel pit, and a "large force pump, for throwing water in case of fire." An iron bearing box 14 inches square was located in the floor of this pit and held the lower bearing of the turbine's vertical shaft.