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Pea Ridge National Military Park Foundation

Pea Ridge National Military Park is supported greatly by the Pea Ridge National Military Park Foundation.

This group has been instrumental in the purchase of General Samuel Curtis' uniform coats, making Pea Ridge the only Civil War National Park Site to have the coat worn by the commanding general of the victorious army on display.

The Foundation also funded the upgrade for the park auditorium and continues to fund raise for up coming park projects.

To find out more about this group please contact the Foundation by clicking on the website link below, or by mail.

Foundation website

Foundation Mailing Address:

Pea Ridge National Military Park Foundation
P.O. Box 925
Pea Ridge AR 72751


Last updated: April 10, 2015

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

15930 National Park Drive
Garfield, AR 72732


479-451-8122 x1227

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