The Interpreter's Handbook
Methods, Skills, & Techniques





CHAPTER 1: Qualities of a Good Interpreter

CHAPTER 2: Planning the Interpretive Program

CHAPTER 3: The Problem of Communication

CHAPTER 4: Illustrated and Non-Illustrated Talks

CHAPTER 5: Guided Walks and Tours

CHAPTER 6: Self Guidance Methods and Devices

CHAPTER 7: Interpretation Through Demonstrations

CHAPTER 8: Interpretation for Children
Interpretation for Foreign Visitors

CHAPTER 9: The Visitor Center or Museum

CHAPTER 10: Campfire Circle and Amphitheaters

CHAPTER 11: Audio Visual Devices

CHAPTER 12: Looking Ahead


Copyright ©1976 by Southwest Parks and Monuments Association. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine or newspaper.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 76-14116
SBN Number: 0-911408-40-1
First Printing, 1976, 10,000
Technical Series No. 8
Southwest Parks and Monuments Association

This book is dedicated to my wife who, through the years, has understood my weaknesses and encouraged what strengths I have,

and to

Dr. Harold C. Bryant who did so much to make possible my work as an interpreter in the National Parks, and who helped instill in me some of the qualities I believe an interpreter should have.

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Last Updated: 01-May-2008
Copyrighted by Southwestern Parks and Monuments Association
Western National Parks Association