Voyageurs National Park

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Special History:
The Environment and the
Fur Trade Experience in
Voyageurs National Park, 1730-1870

Submitted by
Ted Catton, Principal investigator
Marcia Montgomery, Project Historian
Historical Research Associates, Inc.
Missoula, Montana

July, 2000

Midwest Region
National Park Service

Table of Contents

Cover Page


A Note on Sources

Chapter One: The Rainy Lake Region in the Fur Trade

Geography of the fur trade
Historical Overview of the fur trade in the Rainy Lake Region
     French Trade and Exploration, 1688-1763
     Rise of the North West Company, 1763-1793
     The North West Company and the Hudson's Bay Company, 1793-1821
     The Hudson's Bay Company and the American Fur Company, 1821-1842
     Last Years of the Fur Trade, 1842-1870

Chapter Two: The Fur Trade Experience in the Rainy Lake Region


Chapter Three: Material Culture

Products of the Trade
     French Goods
     British Goods
     American Goods
     Ojibwe Goods
     Fort William
     Wild Rice
     Ojibwe Agriculture
     Agriculture and Livestock around the Forts
     Burial Grounds

Chapter Four: The Natural Environment in the Fur Trade Era

Fauna Fisheries


Primary Sources (Manuscripts)
Primary Sources (Record Groups)
Primary Sources (Published)
Secondary Sources


Index (omitted from on-line edition)

List of Figures

Figure 1. Canoe Routes through the Rainy Lake Region

Figure 2. Voyageurs' Route

Figure 3. Lakes and Rivers from Montreal to Fort Chipewyan

Figure 4. French Forts in the time of La Vérendrye

Figure 5. Geographic Names of the Fur Trade Era

Figure 6. Posts and Outposts of the Fur Trade Era

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Last Updated: 01-Oct-2001