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NPS Expansion: 1930s







New Deal



NPS 1933-39




Expansion of the National Park Service in the 1930s:
Administrative History

Chapter Five: New Initiatives in the Fields of History, Historic Preservation and Historical Park Development and Interpretation
National Park Service Arrowhead

T. Publications: 1935-1941

As early as 1936 National Park Service historians were involved in the publications efforts of the bureau. In that year they began preparing material for a new publication entitled of the Eastern Historical Areas. They also prepared copy for seven informal leaflets on the historical areas in the National Park System that were designed to be given to visitors. [107]

In 1939 a new series of informative bulletins on historical areas was planned, and the first booklet in the series, Manassas to Appomattox, was issued. Copy for seven other booklets in the series was transmitted to the Government Printing Office by June. [108]

During the late 1930s the Branch of Historic Sites and Buildings and the Office of Information developed a publications program for historical and archeological areas. In July 1940 a new publications program was announced that had the approval of the Committee on Publications and Director Cammerer. The principal types of publications of the new program included:

1 . A two-fold multilithed or printed leaflet was to be substituted for the former single-page multigraphed sheet and the mimeographed leaflets that had been used in most areas. The new leaflets were to be given away to any visitor desiring them.

2. The 16-page printed and illustrated pamphlet, which had been launched in fiscal year 1940, was to become a standard sales item for all areas.

3. A new National Park Service popular study series, consisting of 12 to 24 pages of illustrated narrative describing a special feature or topic relating to the theme of the park concerned, was being launched as a sales item.

4. Tour route literature pamphlets were under consideration. Prototypes such as the general map and description of the Southwestern National Monuments and a general guide to the Virginia battlefield tour had been developed during the past two years.

In addition there were plans for a history and archeology series to parallel the flora and fauna series that had been in existence for several years. Also under consideration was a research series that would publish original contributions by Park Service professional personnel in the fields of history and archeology and a source material series designed for the printing of excerpts "from interesting and human original historical source material, or particularly good interpretive statements from great writers or speakers, applicable to areas under our jurisdiction." [109]

Chapter Five continues with...
Historic Preservation in the National Park Service During the 1930s


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