The Embattled Wilderness
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V. Urban Distractions and Influence
Christmas pageant
41. The distinctive interior of the Ahwahnee Hotel has tempted theatrics designed purely for promoting tourism. The most famous is Bracebridge, an annual Christmas pageant and dinner. Contrived during the late 1920s, Bracebridge is obviously modeled after English cultural themes totally foreign to Yosemite. Courtesy of the Yosemite National Park Research Library.

film crew
42. Winter sports became the perfect rationale for opening Yosemite National Park to more special events, even those better suited to urban surroundings. Here film crews make motion pictures of the annual Winter Carnival, January 1932. Courtesy of the Yosemite National Park Research Library.

43. The Badger Pass ski area, originally modernized in 1935, brings crowds seeking entertainment rather than greater awareness of the environment. Courtesy of the National Park Service.


Yosemite: The Embattled Wilderness
©1990, University of Nebraska Press
runte2/photo5-2.htm — 17-Mar-2004