America's National Monuments
The Politics of Preservation
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Chapter 4:

1. Ise, Our National Park Policy, 147.

2. L. S. Hanchett to Francis E. Warren, 28 January 1892; and Francis E. Warren to GLO Commissioner Thomas Carter, 30 January 1892; NA, RG 79, Series 6, Devils Tower, file 12-5. The first letters to the Department of the Interior refer to the feature as "Devil's Tower"; the National Park Service dropped the apostrophe. Other parks have gone through similar transformations; for example, for many years, the apostrophe was left out of Sully's Hill. In The National Parks: Shaping the System (Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1984), bureau historian Barry Mackintosh includes the apostrophe.

3. Thomas Carter to the secretary of the interior, 16 February 1892, NA, RG 79, Series 6, Devils Tower, file 12-5.

4. GLO commissioner Binger Hermann to the secretary of the interior, 4 April 1898, NA, RG 79, Series 6, Devils Towers, file 12-5.

5. United States Statutes at Large, L. 34 Stat. 3236 (1906).

6. Acting secretary of the Smithsonian to the secretary of the interior, 22 December 1899, NA, RG 79, Series 6, El Morro, file 12-5; Annual Report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, 1900 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1900), 462-63.

7. Commissioner of the General Land Office to Special Agent Stephen J. Holsinger, April 1903, NA, RG 79, Series 6, Petrified Forest, file 12-5. An attached memorandum indicates that the letter permitting Holsinger to appoint a custodian was not sent until it was discovered in the files in March 1904. In April 1904 John Conner of Holbrook, Arizona, was appointed special assistant to special agent G. Henry Lesage.

8. Special Agent George Wilson to the commissioner of the GLO, 25 July 1904, NA, RG 79, Series 6, Montezuma Castle, file 12-5.

9. William Wolfe to Rep. John Lacey, 24 January 1907, NA, RG 79, Series 1, Records Relating to National Parks and Monuments 1872-1916, Letters Received, Tray 165.

10. W. A. Richards to the secretary of the interior, 5 February 1907, NA, RG 79, Series 1, Records Relating to National Parks and Monuments 1872-1916, Letters Received, Tray 165.

11. Horace M. Albright, Oh Ranger! (Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 1928), 156.

12. William Kent to Secretary of the Interior James R. Garfield, 26 December 1907, NA, RG 79, Series 6, Muir Woods, file 12-5.

13. William Thomas to Gifford Pinchot, 26 December 1907; and Secretary of the interior to the attorney general of the United States, 9 January 1908; NA, RG 79, Series 6, Muir Woods, file 12-5.

14. Forest Supervisor F. E. Olmstead report, undated (circa New Year's 1908), NA, RG 79, Series 6, Muir Woods, file 12-5.

15. George W. James, The Grand Canyon of Arizona (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1910), 258; Robert Shankland, Steve Mather of the National Parks, 3d ed. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1970), 226.

16. James, Grand Canyon of Arizona, v.

17. Quoted in Anna Sutton and Myron Sutton, The Wilderness World of the Grand Canyon (Philadelphia J.P. Lippincott, 1971), 217-18.

18. Sutton and Sutton, Wilderness World of the Grand Canyon, 217-18; James, Grand Canyon of Arizona, 16.

19. James, Grand Canyon of Arizona, 16.

20. Ise, Our National Park Policy, 232; Shankland, Steve Mather, 225-42, has the best chapter on the antics of Cameron and his cronies.

21. Horace McFarland, quoted in Lee, Antiquities Act, 91; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Report of the United States Forester for 1909 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1909), 18.

22. See United States Statutes at Large, L. 34 Stat. 225 (1906).

23. Steen, United States Forest Service, 98-100.

24. Runte, National Parks, 73; see also Michael G. Schene, "Only the Squeal is Left: Conflict Over Establishing Olympic National Park," The Pacific Historian 27 (Fall 1983): 53-61; and Elmo R. Richardson, "Olympic National Park: Twenty Years of Controversy," Forest History 12 (April 1968): 6-15.

25. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Report of the Director of the National Park Service for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1918 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1919), 190.

26. United States Statutes At Large, L. 35 Stat. 2175 (1908).

27. U.S. Department of the Interior, Proceedings of the National Parks Conference of 1911 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1911), 83.

28. Frank C. Spencer, Report on the Proposed Fremont National Monument within the Cochetopah National Forest," February 1908, NA, RG 79, Series 6, Wheeler National Monument, file 12-5; Ferenc Szasz, "Colorado's Lost Monuments," Journal of Forest History 21 (July 1977): 33-45; Examiner of Surveys William B. Douglass to commissioner of the General Land Office, March 3, 1909, NA, RG 79, Series 6, Navajo, file 12-5.


America's National Monuments: The Politics of Preservation
©1989, Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
©1994, University Press of Kansas
All rights reserved by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois

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Copyright © 1989 by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Material from this edition published by the University Press of Kansas by arrangement with the University of Illinois Press and may not be reproduced in any manner without the written consent of the author and the University of Illinois Press.