The Regional Review

Volume III - No. 6

December, 1939

The Regional Review

Vol. III December, 1939 Number 6


The Christmas-New Year season scarcely requires a letter of recommendation. Almost everyone seems to approve it and apparently, with many centuries of tradition to uphold it, the annual observance of this period, wherein friendly sentiments and good will prevail, is here to stay.

I am happy to acknowledge, officially and personally, the inevitable recurrence of Yuletide, because it is a moment when the more urgent demands of regional business rightfully may give way before those pleasant tasks which are associated so closely with a happy season.

Among other satisfying things which this New Year's Eve will bring to us is the climax of a year which, I sincerely believe, has been abundantly fruitful in physical accomplishment and in cooperative progress throughout our Region One. As was reasonable to expect, not all our endeavors were crowned with complete success, but the small percentage of partial failures gives to 1939 a record which is not only gratifying in retrospect, but also prophetically en couraging as a foreview of 1940.

The growing esprit de corps evidenced by all employees, whether Regular, CCC or ERA, technician, clerk or laborer, in carrying forward the varied duties required for the advancement of a work program extending into the large number of states and park areas embraced by our regional lines, has made possible the surmounting of numerous difficulties which must arise necessarily out of the complexity of responsibilities that devolve upon the Service.

I am grateful for the opportunity afforded by a page in this closing issue of the third volume of The Regional Review to express my appreciation of the conscientious labors and the whole-hearted loyalty of the regional staff, both field and office, throughout the year; and I wish also to make plain that, in view of the demonstration of 1939, I shall feel no uneasiness respecting the success of our program in 1940. I repeat now what I have sought to say as often and to as many employees as circumstances permitted: that I am always ready personally as well as officially, to offer my own services in any case where they may be helpful in the solution of office or field problems.

And, finally, I cannot close this brief message without giving expression to a sincere wish which, however ancient it may be, still seems somehow never to become too trite for repetition. That wish is that every worker of the region may find in the Christmas of 1939 the merriest of all possible merry seasons, and in each of the 366 days of 1940 a maximum of happiness, health and prosperity.

signature of Tillotson
Regional Director.


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