The Regional Review

Volume I - No. 5

November, 1938



"The Official Bulletin of the United States Travel Bureau, National Park Service," made its debut in October as No. 1. Notes on broadcasts, Inter-American Travel Congress, general activities in the three offices of the organization and a report on travel promotion conducted by the states fill the four pages of the multilithed Bulletin. Associate Director Demaray, in an introductory note, writes:

"WHY A TRAVEL BUREAU? Travel, whether international or interstate, materially increases commerce, trade and good will. It is, therefore, fitting that the Federal Government should assume leadership in coordinating the efforts of the States and of private industries in stimulating this valuable source of revenue, and in assisting the travel industry to meet the problems now hindering its expansion.

"Accordingly, the United States Travel Bureau has been established in the National Park Service of the Department of the Interior to furnish the instrumentality whereby the travel industry may be coordinated. Private industries, State governments, and the various departments of the Federal Government are invited to cooperate with the National Park Service in developing these activities.

"It is proposed to develop an international program, not conflicting with travel agencies in any way, which will place the United States on a par with other nations in the field of travel promotion. The successful completion of that program will make substantial cultural and financial contributions to the welfare of the Nation."

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The Bureau meanwhile has planned the production of a descriptive brochure of the United States. Funds for its publication will be procured through donations and its distribution will be handled by the Travel Bureau as a Government publication.

In order that this brochure might be outstanding, it is proposed to invite leading Americans in the fields of music, art, literature, sports, and recreation to contribute, without cost, a statement regarding their particular subject. For instance, Walter Damrosch would be asked to contribute a page on American music, operas, and composers. Two or three outstanding artists would be invited to submit a painting suitable for the brochure for reproduction. A preface to be written by President Roosevelt would be requested, and Secretary Ickes would be asked to prepare a statement to Americans inviting them to travel and see their own country.

Representatives of the United States Maritime Commission have indicated that if such a brochure is prepared they would be willing to contribute up to $20,000 for its translation into Spanish for distribution in South American countries. The Pan-American Union also has indicated that it could defray cost of distribution of such a brochure in South American countries.

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It has been decided to issue a monthly leaflet from Washington for the purpose of giving a reprint of leading published articles on subjects relating to planning and recreational work. Accompanying the article will be a comment by someone selected each month as best qualified to interpret the particular subject. These leaflets will be of uniform size, punched for binding, and will be numbered according to volume and issue. They will be issued the second Monday of each month.

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A Branch of Forestry report covering the first nine months of 1938 records a total of 311 fires occurring in national parks as against 346 during the corresponding period of 1937 Of the fires this year, 105 were caused by lightning and 206 by human activities. A total of 1,095 acres, including 809 acres of grass land, was burned over. The CCC contributed 5,860 man days to fire-fighting.

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The publication Low Dams, in preparation of which the Service participated in cooperation with a subcommittee of the Water Resources Committee, will be ready for issuance early in December. The cost is expected to be approximately $1.50 a copy, the moderate price having been made possible through a contribution of $2,000 by the water resources group. It is believed sufficient copies will be obtained by the Service to permit distribution to Regional Directors and Park Authorities.

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Stevenson, James O:
"The Tern Colonies of Dry Tortugas," in Bird-Lore, September-October, 1938. pp. 305-309. Illustrated.

Mr. Stevenson, who wrote his article as a Service technician before his recent transfer to the Bureau of Biological Survey, describes in considerable detail the conditions under which Sooty and Noddy Terns nested during the 1937 season on Garden and Bush Keys, a part of the area embraced by Fort Jefferson National Monument. Bird Key, historic breeding grounds for thousands of Terns, was destroyed by a hurricane in 1935, and the birds now have chosen nesting sites adjacent to the moat of the old fort. When all the ground there is occupied by serried ranks of Terns, the later arrivals select sites on nearby Bush Key. Eggs were laid on the concrete floor of an abandoned coal bunker, on and under corrugated iron, on top of the moat wall, and in other unusual places. It was estimated that, altogether, about 64,000 Sooty Terns and slightly more than 400 Noddies were present.

Friedlander, Louis:
Research Report on Trading Post at Ocmulgee National Monument, Georgia. Typewritten. 11 pp. Bibliography.

The research undertaken by Mr. Friedlander, while thorough in the portions completed, is not intended to be comprehensive in scope. The report makes a definite estimate concerning the period when the trading post first was established in Ocmulgee Fields, however, within the latitude of the years 1690 to 1715. The author, a student technician assigned to the monument, points out many interesting facts relating to Indian trade and migration during the period.

Luckett, William Wallace:
Bedford Forrest in the Battle of Brices Cross Roads [in Mississippi]. Typewritten. 17 pp.

Acting Superintendent Luckett, of Shiloh National Military Park, presents an interesting picture of the resourcefulness, daring and leadership of Nathan Bedford Forrest in what was perhaps his most outstanding battle---that fought at Brices Cross Roads at an area now included in a national battlefield site. Forrest clearly demonstrated there on June 10, 1864, the great tactical value of using all his available forces simultaneously. Keeping a close watch on the maneuvers of Union troops, he was able to accomplish the feat of routing a force almost twice the size of his own even though the Gray soldiers were armed with rifle-muskets and their Blue foemen carried Colt revolving rifles and Spencer repeaters. Forest's record as a commander is the more remarkable in consideration of his complete lack of military training when he volunteered as a private in June, 1861, in the Tennessee Mounted Rifles. Mr. Luckett's report contains a complete list of the Confederate and Federal organizations which participated in the battle.

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