Nature Notes

Vol. XV September - 1937 No. 3



Allen, E. F., A Guide to the National Parks of America. 1916.

Barnes, A. H., Our Greatest Mountain and Alpine Regions of Wonder. c1911. (National Park Art Series).

Barnes, A. H., Our Greatest Mountain and Alpine Wonders; Rainier, c1918. (National Park Art Series No. 2).

Blancher, H. L., Rainier National Park, the Romance of its Development. (In Bonney, W. P. "History of Pierce County" 1927. pp. 968-989)

Butterworth, Hezekiah., Zig-zag Journeys in the Great Northwest. pp. 42-50

Cameron, Jenks., The National Park Service, its History Activities and Organization. Service Monographs of the U. S. Government No. 11. (D. Appleton & Co., New York) pp 11-172.

Carter, J. W., From the Heights. 1911.

Dumbell, K. E. M., Seeing the West. 1920. pp. 75-77

Fink, H. T., Pacific Coast Scenic Tour. 1890. pp. 209 - 213, 225, 229-230.

Fountain, Paul., The Eleven Eaglets of the West. 1906. pp. 110-112.

Fuller, Archimedes comp. Handbook of Washington. 1901. Pg. 122.

Hallahan, B. F., Tourists in the Northwest. 1914. pp. 99-109.

Hartman, J. P., Creation of Mount Rainier National Park. 1935.

Hazard, J. T., Snow Sentinels of the Pacific Northwest. 1932. pp. 133-180.

Hunt, R. H., Tacoma, Its History and Its Builders. 1916. Vol. 1, pp. 66-68; Vol. 2, pp 94-103; Vol. 3, pp. 241-2.

Ingraham, E. S., Mount Rainier National Park. June 1, 1895.

Jeffers, LeRoy, The Call of the Mountains. 1922. pp. 46-54.

Kane, F. J. Picturesque America, Its Parks and Playgrounds. 1925. pp. 25-39.

King, Moses ed. King's Handbook of the United States. 1896. pp. 867-868.

Mills, E. A. Your National Parks. 1917, pp. 116-136; 430-469.

Mount Rainier National Park; Reports of Superintendents to the Secretary of the Interior. (U. S. Department of the Interior Reports.).

Muir, John Our National Parks. 1901, pp. 29-31. (Same in Pacific Monthly 8; 196-202, Nov. 1902.)

Plummer. Illustrated Guide Book to Mount Tacoma. n. d.

Plummer, Fred G., Mount Rainier Forest Reserve, Wash. (U. S. Geological Survey. 21st Annual Report. 1899-1900. pt. 5, p. 81-143. See also pp. 14-16.)

Putnam, G. P. In the Oregon Country. 1915. pp. 130-152.

Quinn, Vernon, Beautiful America. 1923, pp. 237-241.

Rainier National Park Company, The Mountain That Built an Empire. n.d.

Reik, H. O., A Tour of America's s National Forests. 1921, pp. 119-136.

Roberts, Morley, The Western Avernus. 1887. pp. 233-4.

Schmoe, F. W., Our Greatest Mountain. 1925.

Scidmore, E. R., Appleton's Guide to Alaska. 1899, pp. 7-9.

Smith, F. E., The Great Mountain of the Northwest, a True History. 1924.

Sproule, J. A., Tahoma or Random Readings from Puget Sound. n.d.

Steele, W. G. The Mountains of Oregon. 1890. pp. 43-51; 55-65.

Taylor & Albright, Oh, Ranger! 1928.

Tacoma and Eastern Railroad, Scenic Wonders of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington. c1090.

U. S. War Department, Reports of Explorations for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. 1853-4. Vol. 1, pg. 192.

Walkinshaw, Robt., On Puget Sound, 1929. pp. 95-107.

Williams, J. H., The Mountain That Was "God". 1910. (Includes the Flora of the Mountain Slopes,, by J. B. Flett)

Williams, J. H., The Mountain That Was "God". (2nd ed. rev. by F. H. Loutzenhizer, 1932.)

Woodman, Mrs. A. (J.), Picturesque Alaska. 1898c1899. pp. 44-67.

Woodman, Mrs. A. (J.), Same. 1890c1889. Ed. 3.

Woollen, W. W., The Inside Passage to Alaska - 1792-1920. 1924. Vol. 1 pp. 47-58.

Yard, R. S., The 156-183. Book of the National Parks. 1919. pp.

Yard, R. S., The Top of the Continent. 1917. pp. 115-139.

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American Forests 22:529-36 - Sept. 1916. Description of Mt. Rainier National Park. M. Daniels.

American Forests 28:412-13 - July 1922. Mount Rainier National Park. W. H. Peters.

American Forests 39:542-46 - Dec. 1933. Sunrise and Snow. E. R. Norling.

Appalachia 11:114-125 - May 1906. With Sierras and Mazamas, July 1905. W. A. Brooks.

Appalachia 12:213-26 - July 1911. Summer Mountaineering Experiences. E. W. Harden.

Argus 31:40-44 - Dec. 13, 1924. Mount Rainier--the Inspiration of Lonely Grandeur. D. B. Trefethen.

Argus 35:22-28 - Dec. 15, 1928. Above the Clouds on Mount Rainier. H. A. Chadwick.

Argus 36:45 - Dec. 14, 1929. Rainier National Park. Asahel Curtis.

Argus 37:35-37 - Dec. 13, 1930. "The New Rainier." O. A. Tomlinson.

Argus 38:63-64 - Dec. 12, 1931 "Sunrise", Mount Rainier. O. A. Tomlinson.

Argus 39:40-41 - Dec. 17, 1932. Trail Parks of Rainier. Asahel Curtis.

Bulletin of the Pan-American Union. 44:790-8 - June 1917. Mount Rainier National Park.

Coast 10:117-20 - Sept. 1905. Wonderland of the Cascades. C. E. Cutter.

Coast 14:81-5 - August, 1907. Government Road in Mount Rainier National Park. Eugene Ricksecker.

Country Life in America 14:170-1 - June 1909. A Trip to the Wonderland of the Cascades. C. E. Cutter.

Countryside Magazine 21:266-7 - November, 1915. A Day Spent on Mount Rainier. II. L. J. Warren.

Ecology 3:214-36 - July 1922. Distributional and Ecological Study on Mount Rainier, Washington. W. P. Taylor, bibliog. (Also in Monthly Weather Review.)

Harpers Weekly 41:850 - Aug. 28, 1897. The Mazamas on Mt. Rainier.

Illustrated American 22:364-367 - Sept. 18, 1927. The New Mountaineers of America.

Illustrated World 38:99-101 - September, 1922. Mountain of the Great Snow. W. E. Gage.

Land of Sunshine 1:169 Mount Rainier. J. E. Ross

Magazine of Western History 12:76 Mount Rainier. W. Visscher.

Mazama 2:1-18 - Oct. 1900. Mount Rainier. P. B. VanTrump.

Mazama 2:25-34 - Oct. 1900. Rainier. E. T. Parsons.

Mazama 2:34-40 - Oct. 1900. Prof. McClure's report. (On altitude of Mount Rainier.)

Mazama 2:201-203 - Doc. 1905. Changes in Mount Tak-ho-ma. Hazard Stevens.

Mazama 2:208-11 - Dec. 1905. Through Appalachian Eyes. C. E. Fay.

Mazama 2:220-3 - Dec. 1905. Field Notes on Mount Rainier. Henry Landes.

Mazama 2:212-215, 220-34 - Dec. 1905. Mount Rainier, W. E.Colby.

Mazama 2:267-8 - Dec. 1905. Camping in Paradise. W. A. Brooks.

Mazama 2:268-9 - Dec. 1905. Sunrise on Mount Rainier. Frank B. Leland.

Mazama 5:307-8 - Dec. 1909. A Tramp Around the West Side. J. A. Lee.

Mazama 9:7-22 - Doc. 1927. North of Mount Rainier. J. D. Scott.

Mazama 9:32-39 - Dec. 1927. Side Trips on the Mount Rainier Outing. F. W. Stadter.

Mentor 6:1-11 - July 15, 1918. Mount Rainier National Park. B. Browne.

Monthly Weather Review July 1918. Snowfall on Mount Rainier, Washington. L. C. Fisher. (Also published separately.)

Monthly Weather Review 50:428 - Aug. 1922. Distributional and Eclological Study of Mount Rainier, Wash. by W. P. Taylor; author's summary. (Also in Ecology.)

Mountaineer 1:102-7 - Nov. 1908. Experience of Marjorie Hellenbrand in a Crevasse. E. H. Wells.

Mountaineer 1:138-9 - Nov. 1908. Third Annual Outing of the Mountaineers on Mount Rainier.

Mountaineer 2:4-12 - Nov. 1909. Outing of the Mountaineers on Mount Rainier. A. Curtis.

Mountaineer 3:53-4 - Nov. 1910. Mapping Mount Rainier National Park. F. E. Matthes.

Mountaineer 4:42-3 - 1911. Future of Mount Rainier National Park. A. Curtis.

Mountaineer 5:14-27- 1912. Mountaineer's Outing on the North Side of Mount Rainier.

Mountaineer 8:61-6 - 1915. Survey of Mount Rainier. F. E. Matthes.

Mountaineer 12:9-22 - Dec. 1919. The Summer Outings of 1919. A Hundred and Twenty Miles Around Rainier. E. L. Bickford.

Mountaineer 12:24-34 - Dec. 1919. Our National Park. R. W. Toll.

Mountaineer 12:34-37 - Dec. 1919. Guiding the Tenderfoot in Paradise Valley. F. B. Lee.

Mountaineer 14:51-57 - Nov. 1921. Memorial Seat at Sluiskin Falls.

Mountaineer 17:25-31 - Dec. 15, 1924. Encircling Mount Rainier. R. W. Montague.

Mountaineer 17:40-45 - Dec. 15, 1924. Development of Our National Park. O. A. Tomlinson

Mountaineer 20:49-50 - Dec. 15, 1927. Skiing Near Rainier's Summit. W. J. Maxwell.

Mountaineer 23:8-21 - Dec. 1930. A Trip Around Mount Rainier. E. W. Conway.

Mountaineer 23:9-23. In the Shadow of the Mountain.

Mountaineer 23:23-25. Mount Rainier in Indian Legends. Meany.

Mountaineer 27:2-5 - Dec. 1934. Ascent of the North Face. W. Bauer.

Mountaineer 24:46-47. How to Climb Six Major Peaks of Washington.

National Geographic Magazine 20:530-8 - June 1909. A Wonderland of Glaciers and Snow. Milnor Roberts.

National Geographic Magazine 23:593-626 - June 1912; Great White Monarch of the Northwest. A. H. Barnes.

National Republic 20:8-9 - May 1932. Beautiful Mount Rainier. P. R. Sterling.

Natural History 37:253-65 - March 1936. Wonders of Mt. Rainier. C. F. Brockman.

Nature Magazine 20:162-3 - Oct. 1932. Lady of the Snows. A. B. Howell.

Nature Magazine 12:122-23 - August 1928. The Mt. Rainier Nature Trail. R. A. Johnson

Normal Instructor and Primary Plans 36:37 - November 1926. Mount Rainier--the Snow Mountain. F. L. DuMond.

Out West 24:365-395 - May 1906. The Sierra Club in the Northwest Willoughby Rodman.

Out West 24:396-404 - May, 1906. The Making of the Sierra Club Camp. Marion Randall.

Outing 78:7-11 - April, 1921. Among the Snows of Mount Rainier.

Overland Monthly n.s. 2:300-12 - Sept. 1883. The Switzerland of the Northwest. W. D. Lydman.

Overland Monthly n.s. 32:114-.23 - Aug. 1898. Mazamas Outing at Mount Rainier. J. P. Montgomery.

Overland Monthly n.s. 55:552-56 - June, 1910. Rainier Forest Reserve, Mt. Rainier. A. W. McCully.

Overland Monthly n.s. 56:150-155 - Aug. 1910. Indian Henry's Hunting Ground. A. W. McCully.

Overland Monthly n.s. 85:169 - June 1927. Our Mountain. C. W. Gross.

Putnam's Monthly 2:447-456 - July 1907. Lure of the Mountains. D. A. Willey.

Review of Reviews 9:163-171 - Feb. 1894. Our New National Wonderland. Carl Snyder.

Review of Reviews 28:206-208 - Aug. 1903. Electric Power from Mount Rainier.

Scientific American 88:389 - May 23, 1903. Electric Power Plant Below Mount Rainier. E. Mayo.

Scientific American Supplement 53:21 882 - March 1, 1902. Forest Reserve.

Scientific American Supplement 62:25 610 - Aug. 18, 1906. The Tall Mountains of the World. Day Alley Willey.

Scribner's Magazine 22:169-176 - Aug. 1897. Impressions of Mount Rainier. I. C. Russell.

Sierra Club Bulletin 6:7-14 - Jan. 1906. Mount Rainier, Mount Shasta and Mount Whitney as Sites for Meteorological Observatories. A. G. McAdie.

Sierra Club Bulletin 6:15-21 - Jan. 1906. The Skyline of the Tatoosh Range Marion Randall.

Sierra Club Bulletin 6:44-50 - Jan. 1906. Report of the Mazama Club and the Sierra Club in Mount Rainier National Park .

Sierra Club Bulletin 6:50-51 - Jan. 1906. Report of the Sierra Club outing committee on the 1905 outing.

Sierra Club Bulletin 9:81-83 - June 1913. The Mountaineers Winter Outing on Mount Rainier. Lulie Nettleton.

Suburban Life 19:29-37 - Jan. 1912. What Paradise Valley Did for Sally.

Sunset 28:41-7 - Jan. 1912. Glaciers and Gasoline. Motoring in Mount Rainier National Park; pictures.

Sunset 37:21-3 - Sept. 1916. On Barking Betsy to the Mountain; A Motorcycle Run to Mount Rainier National Park.

Sunset 60:47 - Feb. 1928. Naturalist and Guide--F. W. Schmoe. A. Rankin.

Technical World 20:212-4 - Oct. 1913. Making a Mountain Playground Accessible.

Travel 21:9-12, 62, 64. May, 1913.

Travel 25:20-3 - May, 1915. Surveying the Heights of Mt. Rainier. C. R. Birdseye.

Washington Historical Society 1:93-5 - 1906. Description of Mount Tacoma. (Published in Pierce County Pioneer Association, Tacoma, Washington; Commemorative celebration at Sequalitchew Lake, Pierce County, Washington, July 5, 1906.

Washington Magazine 2:3-11 - Sept. 1906. Uncle Sam Aids the State. Edward L. Pangbern.

World Review 6:134-5 - March 26, 1928. Westward Ho! To A New World. D. Greenzow.

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Government Publications

Bryant, H. C. and Atwood, W. W. Research and Education in the National Parks. 1932, pp. 33, 65.

Educational Committee on National Parks. Individual Reports of the Committee on Educational Problems in the National Parks. pp. 24, 42.

U. S. Congress. Senate. Public Lands and Surveys Committee. Hearings, 69th Congress, 1st session on H.R. 9387 ... . . to revise boundary of Mount Rainier National Park. Apr. 7-10, 1926.

U. S. Congress. Report to Accompany H.R. 10126 (to revise boundary of Mount Rainier National Park) House report 878, 69th Congress, 1st session, serial document 8533.

U. S. Congress. Revising boundary of Mount Rainier National Park, report to accompany H.R. 10126. Senate report 811, 69th Congress, 1st session, serial document 8526.

U. S. Congress. Senate. Public Lands and Surveys Committee. Revising boundaries of Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, Mt. Rainier, Rocky Mountain and Sequoia National Parks.....Hearings 69th Congress, 1st session, Apr. 27-June 2,1926.

U. S. Congress. Report to accompany S. 3428 (to revise boundary of Mount Rainier National Park) Senate report 817, 69th Congress, 1st session. Serial document 8526.

U. S. Congress. Extending South and East boundaries of Mt. Rainier National Park. Report to accompany H.R. 15008, Jan. 21, 1931. Senate Report 1332, 71st Congress, 3rd. session.

U. S. Congress. To extend boundaries of Mount Rainier National Park, report to accompany H.R. 15008, Jan. 10,1931. House Report 2231, 71st Congress, 3rd session.

U. S. 69th Congress. Public Law 303, also Statutes At Large, 44, pt. 2, pp. 668-9. An act to revise boundary of Mt. Rainier National Park, approved May 28, 1926.

U. S. 71st Congress. Public Law 584. An act to extend the south and east boundaries of Mount Rainier National Park. Approved Jan. 31, 1931.

U. S. Congress. House. Public Lands Committee. Electric generating system, Mount Rainier National Park, report to accompany H.R. 6657. House Report 97, 72nd Congress, 1st session, Serial document 9491.

U. S. Forest Service. Mountain Outings in Rainier National Forest. 1920. (Agr. Dept. Circular 103)

U. S. Geographic Board. Decisions of Geographic Board, no. 29, June 30, 1932; Mount Rainier National Park, Wash. 1934.

U. S. Interior Department. Annual Report of the Superintendent of Mount Rainier National Park to the Secretary of the Interior.

U. S. National Park Service. Annual Report of the Director of the National Parks to the Secretary of the Interior.

U. S. National Park Service. Encyclopedia of Information of Mount Rainier National Park. 1929 -- Prepared by the Naturalist Department, Mt. Rainier National Park.

U. S. National Park Service. General Information about Mt. Rainier National Park, Washington.

U. S. National Park Service. Glimpses of our National Parks. 1927. Earlier editions 1916-20-25.

U. S. National Park Service. Mount Rainier; its human history associations. H. E. Rensch. 1935. Issued by the Field Division of Education, Berkeley, California.

U. S. National Park Service. Mount Rainier National Park "Nature Notes". 1924 -- Prepared by the staff of the Naturalist Department, Mt. Rainier National Park.

U. S. National Park Service. Mount Rainier National Park. Useful Hints for Motorists. 1921.

U. S. National Park Service. Mount Rainier National Park Nature Notes. Now published quarterly. Mailed on request to a limited list.

U. S. National Park Service. Road and Trail Construction, Wagon and Automobile Transportation, Hotel and Tent Camps in Mount Rainier National Park; Edward S. Hall. (In U. S. National Park Service Proceedings of the National Park Conference 1912. pp. 167-171.)

U. S. National Park Service. Rules and Regulations, Mount Rainier National Park.

U. S. National Park Service. The Mount Rainier National Park (on reverse of Contour Map of Mount Rainier National Park, U. S. Geological Survey Map) R. E. Matthes.

U. S. National Park Service. National Park Portfolio -- pp. 77-100, 6th edition. 1931.

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