Montezuma Castle
National Monument
NPS Arrowhead logo
Chapter 3
The Early Management of the Monument


1. Rothman, Preserving Different Pasts, 74—75.

2. GLO acting commissioner to secretary of the interior, 24 August 1906, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

3. Bureau of Land Management historical indexes, Phoenix office.

4. The monuments under Dezendorf's charge at this time included El Morro, Chaco, Montezuma Castle, and Petrified Forest. Notes on this appointment come from Albert Schroeder, "Montezuma Castle Area History Data," Montezuma Castle and Tuzigoot National Monuments administrative office, file H-14.

5. GLO commissioner to Register and Receiver, U.S. Land Office, Phoenix, 22 March 1907, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

6. Diary of Lucy Proudfoot (unpublished), Montezuma Castle and Tuzigoot National Monuments administrative office, file H-14.

7. Taylor P. Gabbard, superintendent and special disbursing agent, Camp Verde Indian School, to secretary of the interior, 5 November 1911, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

8. Clement Ricker, chief clerk and chief executive officer, Department of the Interior, to Taylor P. Gabbard, superintendent and special disbursing agent, Camp Verde Indian School, 11 November 1911, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

9. Rothman, Preserving Different Pasts, 83—84.

10. Adolph C. Miller, assistant to the secretary of the interior, to the commissioner of Indian Affairs, 10 April 1914, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

11. Taylor P. Gabbard, superintendent and special disbursing agent, Camp Verde Indian School, to commissioner of Indian Affairs, 24 April 1914, National Archives, Record Group 79, Box 599.

12. Lewis C. Laylin, assistant secretary of the interior, to commissioner of Indian Affairs, 19 May 1914, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

13. Roy G. Mead, GLO mineral examiner, to General Land Office commissioner, 29 May 1914, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

14. Ibid.

15. Such correspondence expressing concern about the Castle included an August 1914 report on the condition of the monument by Joe J. Taylor, superintendent of the Camp Verde Indian School; letters from Malcolm Fraser, secretary of the Prescott Chamber of Commerce; and correspondence between Forest Service officials regarding the need for repairs and an on-site custodian. National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

16. Commissioner, General Land Office, to the chief clerk, Department of the Interior, 9 September 1914, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

17. For more on the challenges of administering the national monuments at this time, see chapter 5, "'Warning Sign' Preservation," in Rothman, Preserving Different Pasts.

18. Lightbourn and Lyons, By the Banks of Beaver Creek, 23, 34—35; William L. Back, interview by Albert H. Schroeder, 24 May 1947, Memorandum for the Custodian of Montezuma Castle National Monument, National Park Service Western Archeological Conservation Center, Tucson, Archival Record Group 18.

19. L. A. Gillett, GLO mineral inspector, to commissioner, General Land Office, 25 September 1915, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

20. Arthur C. Ringland, District Forester, to the forester, 18 September 1915, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

21. Madison Grant, chairman, New York Zoological Society, to Arthur C. Ringland, district forester, 20 October 1915, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

22. John D. Guthrie, forest supervisor, to Arthur C. Ringland, district forester, 20 September 1915, Coconino National Forest administrative office, Flagstaff, Arizona, Montezuma Castle site file.

23. Bo Sweeney, assistant secretary of the interior, to Forester H. S. Graves, 24 November 1915, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

24. John D. Guthrie, forest supervisor, to B. H. Gibbs, chief, GLO Field Division, 14 December 1915; John D. Guthrie, forest supervisor, to Ranger Alston D. Morse, 14 December 1915, Coconino National Forest administrative office, Montezuma Castle site file.

25. John D. Guthrie, forest supervisor, to Ranger Alston D. Morse, 14 December 1915, Coconino National Forest administrative office, Montezuma Castle site file.

26. Grace M. Sparkes, secretary, Yavapai County Chamber of Commerce, to Franklin K. Lane, secretary of the interior, 5 August 1916, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599; Grace M. Sparkes, secretary, Yavapai County Chamber of Commerce, to Senator Henry F. Ashurst, 5 August 1916, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599. Sparkes also sent copies of this last letter to Senator Marcus Smith and Representative Carl Hayden on the same date.

27. Arthur C. Ringland, District Forester, to the Forester, 25 March 1916, Coconino National Forest administrative office, Montezuma Castle site file.

28. C. Marvin, acting secretary of agriculture, to the secretary of the interior, 25 April 1916, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

29. Stephen T. Mather, assistant to the secretary of the interior, to the secretary of agriculture, 29 April 1916, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

30. W. L. Lewis, GLO special agent, to commissioner, General Land Office, 11 July 1916, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

31. Rothman, Preserving Different Pasts, 87—91. See chapter 6, "Second-Class Sites," for an in-depth discussion of the creation of the National Park Service in 1916 and the limited impact on national monuments that followed.

32. F. G., Department of the Interior, to Joseph Cotter, 23 October 1916, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

33. Joseph J. Cotter, assistant superintendent, National Park Service, to B. H. Gibbs, chief, GLO Santa Fe Field Office, 30 October 1916, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

34. In letters to Secretary of the Interior Franklin Knight Lane dated 12 October 1916 and to Superintendent R. B. Marshall of the Department of the Interior from 13 and 27 November 1916, Sellers supported the recommendations made by Dr. Harold Colton of the University of Pennsylvania and by AIA members Ernest Coxhead and Ed Kemper (National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599). Sellers's active letter writing led Interior Department officials to pay closer attention to the situation at Montezuma Castle and precipitated a more prompt response.

35. Dr. Colton later moved to Flagstaff, Arizona, where he and his wife Mary-Russell Ferrell Colton founded the Museum of Northern Arizona in 1928. As director of the Museum, Dr. Colton went on to do considerable anthropological research on the Sinagua, the builders and inhabitants of Montezuma Castle.

36. Harold S. Colton, professor of biology, University of Pennsylvania, to Horace W. Sellers, AIA, 5 October 1916; R. B. Marshall, superintendent, Department of the Interior, to Horace W. Sellers, AIA, 5 December 1916, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

37. Assistant attorney to Joseph Cotter, acting superintendent of the National Parks, 23 September 1916, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

38. H. W MacFadden, GLO mineral inspector, to B. H. Gibbs, GLO chief of Field Division, 31 March 1917, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

39. Ibid.

40. B. H. Gibbs, chief, GLO Santa Fe Field Division, to Joseph J. Cotter, acting superintendent, National Park Service, 13 April 1917; Horace M. Albright, acting director, National Park Service, memo entitled "Specifications for Repair and Improvement of Montezuma Castle National Monument," no date; Horace M. Albright, acting superintendent, National Park Service, to B. H. Gibbs, chief, GLO Santa Fe Field Division, 3 May 1917; National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599. Mention of the NPS plans for Montezuma Castle also appear in continued correspondence regarding the willingness of the Forest Service to oversee the monument: Bo Sweeney, assistant secretary of the interior, to the secretary of agriculture, 23 June 1917, National Archives, Record Group 48, box 1979.

41. Reports filed by Alston D. Morse to the National Park Service on 6 August 1917, 19 November 1917, and 8 January 1918, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

42. Alston D. Morse to Stephen T. Mather, assistant director, National Park Service, 8 May 1918; Stephen T. Mather, assistant director, National Park Service, to Alston D. Morse, 21 May 1918. National Archives, Record Group 79. box 599.

43. Stephen T. Mather, director, National Park Service, to Governor George W. P Hunt, 16 August 1918; Stephen T. Mather, director, National Park Service, to O. F. Hicks. 25 October 1918. National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

44. Horace M. Albright, Acting Director, National Park Service, to Mrs. Alston Morse, 6 December 1918, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

45. O. F. Hicks to Stephen T. Mather, director, National Park Service, 9 November 1918, National Archives, Record Group 79, box, 599.

46. Alston D. Morse to Horace M. Albright, Acting Director, National Park Service, 27 January 1919, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

47. Rothman, Preserving Different Pasts, 109—16.

48. Arno B. Cammerer, acting director, National Park Service, to Frank Pinkley, custodian, Casa Grande National Monument, 13 August 1919, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

49. Alston D. Morse to the National Park Service, 2 December 1918. National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

50. Arno B. Cammerer, acting director, National Park Service, to W. J. Sullivan, 9 October 1920 and 12 October 1920, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

51. Arno B. Cammerer, acting director, National Park Service, to Frank Pinkley, custodian, Casa Grande National Monument, 19 January 192 1; Frank Pinkley to Stephen Mather, director, National Park Service, 2 January 1921. National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

52. Frank Pinkley, custodian, Casa Grande National Monument, to Stephen Mather, director, National Park Service, 18 October 1921, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

53. Frank Pinkley, custodian, Casa Grande National Monument, to Stephen T. Mather, director, National Park Service, 10 September 1920, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

54. Frank Pinkley, custodian, Casa Grande National Monument, to Stephen T. Mather, director, National Park Service, 18 October 1921, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

55. Arno B. Cammerer, acting director, National Park Service, to Martin L. Jackson, 28 October 1921, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.

56. Arno B. Cammerer, acting director, National Park Service, to Frank Pinkley, custodian, Casa Grande National Monument, 25 October 1921, National Archives, Record Group 79, box 599.


A Past Preserved in Stone:
A History of Montezuma Castle National Monument

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