Montezuma Castle
National Monument
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I am indebted to many people whose invaluable assistance made possible the completion of this work. I conducted the research for this project at a number of different archives, libraries, and repositories, and greatly appreciate the help and support provided by their respective staffs. In particular, my thanks to Alan Ferg at the Arizona State Museum, Johanna Alexander at the National Park Service Western Archeological and Conservation Center, Mona McCroskey at Sharlot Hall Museum, David Wilcox at the Museum of Northern Arizona, Rick Selbock at the Bureau of Land Management office in Phoenix, Peter Pilles at the Coconino National Forest, and the staffs at the Arizona Historical Foundation and the Arizona Collection at Arizona State University Hayden Library. These individuals generously offered their time and expertise to answer research questions, recommend other sources of information, and suggest new approaches to subjects under investigation.

In addition, my most sincere thanks go to the National Park Service (NPS) for giving me the opportunity to work on this project. Superintendent Glen Henderson granted me open access to the Montezuma Castle administrative files, provided me accommodations at the monument while I was conducting research, and answered many of my research questions. Chief Ranger Steve Sandell as well as Billie Owens- Helm and Kate James from the administrative office helped me sort through the various materials in the monument files and offered their friendly support and encouragement. Monument volunteer Jack Beckman shared his extensive knowledge of the history and wonder of Montezuma Well. Many thanks to all of the staff at Montezuma Castle and Tuzigoot National Monuments who took an interest in this project and whose work contributes to the ongoing preservation efforts at the monuments. My deepest gratitude goes to Bob Spude, program leader at the NPS Southwest Support Office, who believed in my ability to accomplish this project, obtained funding to cover research expenses, and offered his invaluable guidance and support at every step of the way. Also thanks to Mary Padilla in the NPS Southwest Support Office for her tireless photo research.

Special thanks to my graduate committee at Arizona State University. Dr. Peter Iverson, serving as committee chair, has enriched my experience in academia by sharing with me his intellectual curiosity, professional insight and integrity, and personal warmth and understanding. Dr. Karen Smith and Dr. Noel Stowe have provided tremendous support, advice, and encouragement toward the completion of this project. Thank you also to the other faculty and to fellow graduate students who have inspired me along the way. A grant sponsored by the Research Support Program at Associated Students of Arizona State University, the Graduate College, and the Vice President for Research made possible the recording and transcription of oral histories that contributed to my research.

Finally, this project would not have been possible without the love, support, inspiration, and encouragement of my friends and family. Thanks to my mother-in-law, Judy Foss, who carefully read through a draft of my thesis and offered helpful editorial comments. For all they have given me and taught me about being a decent, kind human being, I am indebted to my grandmothers, Ruth Freedman and Ruth Protas, and to my parents, Marlyne Freedman and Stephen Protas. I am also grateful to my brother Brandon, who showed me how to eat ice cream with relish. My wife Abigail has been by my side through this entire project, and I am incredibly thankful for her loving support, editorial advice, and patient understanding. I love you always.


A Past Preserved in Stone:
A History of Montezuma Castle National Monument

©2002, Western National Parks Association
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