Lava Beds
National Monument
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Map 10

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Map 10. Troop Movements and Incidents, April 18-May 31, 1873.

1. Following 2d Battle of Stronghold, Gillem's Camp consisted of Colonel Gillem, Major Green, Batteries A and K, 4th Artillery, Company E, 12th Infantry, and mortars.

2. Warm Spring Indians established their own camp, April 20.

3. Following 2d Battle of Stronghold, it was occupied by Major Mason, Companies B, C, and I, 21st Infantry; Company G, 12th Infantry; and Batteries E and M, 4th Artillery. Joined by Battery G, April 28, and Battery K, May 13.

4. Camp at Hospital Rock was abandoned on April 19. On April 20, Modocs attacked a wagon train enroute from Hospital Rock to Scorpion Point. One soldier was wounded. Exact site of attack is unknown.

5. Camp reestablished at Scorpion Point, April 20. Composed of Troops B, F, G, and K. Joined by Battery B, 4th Artillery, on April 28. Camp abandoned, May 7.

6. Peninsula camp established by Troops B and G and Battery B (all from Scorpion Point) on May 7. Exact location in doubt.

7. April 18-21, cavalry troops from Scorpion Point patrolled around Lava Beds following 2d Battle of Stronghold. All returned to Scorpion Point except Troop F, which remained at Van Brimmer s ranch.

8. April 18-23, Warm Spring Scouts patrolled south into Lava Beds. Discovered Modocs 4 miles south, near Sand (Hardin) Butte.

9. April 26, Thomas' Patrol from Gillem's Camp was attacked and destroyed by Modocs at Sand (Hardin) Butte. (Map No. 7) On May 6 the bodies of Lieutenant Cranston and his five men were discovered. They were buried on battle site, May 9.

10. May 2, Colonel Davis arrived at Gillem's Camp to replace General Canby. May 7, he learned that Modocs had left vicinity of Sand (Hardin) Butte in SE direction.

11. May 7, Modocs attacked a wagon train between Scorpion Point and Peninsula camp. Three soldiers were wounded.

12. May 9, Captain Hasbrouck led patrol from Peninsula camp to Sorass (Dry) Lake.

13. May 10, Battle of Sorass Lake (Map No. 8).

14. May 12, Mason with 8 companies marched from Stronghold toward Big Sand Butte; Hasbrouck with 4 companies marched from Peninsula camp toward Big Sand Butte.

15. Modocs, following Battle of Sorass Lake, took refuge in lava flow north of Big Sand Butte. May 14, Modocs, threatened by movements of Mason and Hasbrouck, left lava flow. Split into 2 bands, one moving westward, the other, eastward. (Map No. 9)

16. May 17, Hasbrouck pursued Modocs westward along Tickner Road.

17. May 18, Perry with Troop F marched from Van Brimmer's south toward Antelope Spring. Met Hasbrouck coming from east. Perry continued south. Hasbrouck moved on to Van Brimmer's.

18. May 18, Mason moved his command from Stronghold to Gillem's Camp. Stronghold now abandoned. May 19, Davis ordered breakup of Gillem's Camp, placing Mason in charge of all infantry companies and Captain Mendenhall in charge of all the artillery batteries present. May 20, Mason marched the infantry to Van Brimmer's. Gillem's Camp abandoned.

19. May 20, Davis established headquarters at Van Brimmer's, then at Fairchild's. May 21, Gillem was relieved.

20. May 22, Western band of Modocs surrendered. May 23, Green took command of all mounted troops at Fairchild's and organized them into 3 squadrons. May 24, 3rd Squadron left Fairchild's for Peninsula. May 25, 2d Squadron followed.

21. By end of May, 1st, 2d, and 3d Squadrons had arrived at Peninsula camp and on to Applegate's on Clear Lake.


Modoc War
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