On-line Book

Book Cover
A Brief History Of The National Park Service




National Park Idea

Early Growth

NPS Created






Plans and Design





Historic Conservation

Land Planning

State Cooperation


Work Camps

Recreation Study




Antiquities Act

Organic Act

Historic Sites Act

Recreational-Area Programs Act




Functions of administration and personnel, budget, fiscal control, operators' accounts, and mails and files came into the picture at once, upon establishment of the National Park Service, and these matters were first placed immediately under the Director.

Although the present Branch of Operations was not established until July 1, 1930, the various steps leading up to this began with the appointment of A. E. Demaray (now associate director) as senior administrative assistant on July 1, 1924. At that time Mr. Demaray was in charge of administrative work assigned by the Director, and supervised the editorial, mapping and drafting work, and the travel and informational work. On March 3, 1925 his title was changed to assistant in operations and public relations. On June 1, 1927 he was appointed as assistant to the director in charge of the preparation of estimates, administrative responsibility for road work in the park system, approval and control of expenditures, and approval of the rates of public operators. On October 11, 1929, Mr. Demaray was designated assistant director in charge of what was then called the Branch of Budget, Fiscal Control and Public Relations, and the Accounts Section was transferred from the Chief Clerk's Office to this new branch. On July 1, 1930 Mr. Demaray was appointed senior assistant director, and the name of the branch was changed to Branch of Operations, with responsibility for budget, accounting, and personnel work, embracing the following units: Division of Administration and Personnel, Division of Park Operators' Accounts, Division of Accounts, and Control Section.

Hillory A. Tolson was appointed assistant director in October 1933 and placed in charge of the Branch of Operations. At present the Branch is composed of five divisions with the following functions:

Budget and Accounts Division—Preparation of estimates of appropriations, including justifications and supporting data for use in defending them before the Budget Bureau and committees of Congress. Preparation of allotment advices pursuant to the provisions of appropriation acts or allocations making funds available. Supervision over preparation and compilation of financial and statistical data; accounting; auditing of expenditures; revision of the Accounting Manual; installation of approved systems of accounting to regulate fiscal operations; and receipt of revenues. Preparation of communications concerning accounting, budgeting, auditing and estimating of appropriations. Negotiation with representatives of General Accounting Office and other Governmental agencies concerning accounting and budget matters.

Safety Division—Supervision over building fire protection and accident prevention programs. Preparation of fire protection and safety standards for use by those responsible for building and water system designs. Review of park operators' plans for fire protection and safety measures. Analysis of building fire and employees' injury reports. Training of park employees in fire hazard and accident hazard inspections. Preparation and dissemination of information regarding building fires and injuries and accident prevention and fire hazards. Chief of Division serves as Chairman of Safety Committee composed of representatives of the different Service branches.

Public Utility Division—Furnishing of expert advice in the management and operation of public utility facilities (water, electricity, telephone, incineration, sewage) within the field areas administered by the Service. Conduct of rate analysis, valuations, and operating cost studies for determination of rate schedules for such public utility services. Preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates of new installations, extensions, improvements, and equipment purchases. Assistance to the Washington branches and field offices in connection with special utility problems.

Personnel and Records Division—Supervision and coordination of all personnel matters for adherence to civil service rules and regulations and to the policies and procedure of the Department. Maintenance of appropriate personnel records. Compilation of information, statistics, and reports relating to personnel. Handling of receipt and dispatching of all mail. Maintenance of the general files. Preparation of instructions for guidance of field officers. Review of reports regarding irregularities by the Division of Investigations and Service auditors. Advice to Service officials concerning personnel problems, policies, and procedure. Control of expenditures from contingent and printing and binding appropriations. Negotiation with officials of the Department regarding personnel policies and procedure, establishment of positions, and purchase of office supplies and equipment.

Park Operators Division—Supervision over field examinations of accounts and records of public service operators in areas administered by the Service. Prescribes bases on which amounts due the Government under franchise contracts shall be computed. Verification of correctness of amounts due under contracts and permits. Devises park operators' accounting requirements and procedure of reporting. Analysis of park operators' accounts and records for data to determine rates. Furnishing of data to officials to determine policies in exercising supervision and control over park operators' affairs.

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