USGS Logo Geological Survey Circular 1085
Our Changing Landscape: Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore



Cockrell, Ron, 1988, A signature of time and eternity, the administrative history of Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Indiana: National Park Service, 480 p.

A comprehensive history of the process and the people that led to the establishment of Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.

Engle, J.R., 1983, Sacred sands: The struggle for community in the Indiana Dunes: Middletown, Conn., Wesleyan University Press, 288 p.

Franklin, Kay, and Schaeffer, Norma, 1983, Duel for the dunes: Land use conflict on the shores of Lake Michigan: Urbana/Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 302 p.

Waldron, Larry, and Daum, Robert, photographer, 1983, The Indiana Dunes: Eastern Acorn Press, 39 p.

A nontechnical publication about Indiana Dunes with beautiful photographs of the park.


McKee, E.D., ed., 1979, A study of global sand seas: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1052, 429 p.

Illustrates the processes contributing to the formation of sand dunes and dune fields on a global basis. Photographs and satellite images show the distribution of major sand dunes around the world. A good reference text.

National Geographic Society, 1988, Earth '88; Changing geographic perspectives: Washington, D.C., 392 p.

Summary of the Centennial Symposium convened by the National Geographic Society, which addressed critical issues facing our planet today, such as population, pollution, ecological changes, climate change, water management, and energy.

Schneider, S.H., 1989, Global warming. Are we entering the greenhouse century?: San Francisco, Sierra Club Books, 317 p.

Examines the causes of worldwide climate change and the greenhouse effect. Also provides an entertaining look at the science, personalities, and politics behind the problem of global warming.

Scientific American, 1989, Managing Planet Earth: Special Issue, v. 261, no. 3, September 1989, 190 p.

Offers a series of articles that address the various aspects of global change from the perspective of the hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. Proposes a series of strategies to deal with agricultural, energy, and manufacturing needs.


Robinson, G.D., and Spieker, A.M., eds., 1978, "Nature to be commanded...": U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 950, 95 p.

Illustrates the use of maps of earth-science information for decisions related to land and water management.


Chabreck, R.H., 1988, Coastal marshes; ecology and wildlife management: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 138 p.

Part of a series on wildlife habitats; this volume describes the coastal marshes of the United States with particular emphasis on the northern Gulf of Mexico coastline. Environmental influences, plant and animal communities, and the reasons for alteration and loss of marshes are clearly explained for the nontechnical reader. Sections on marsh management and the future of marshes give the author's suggestions for minimizing damage to this ecologically valuable environment.

Cowardin, L.M., Carter, Virginia, Golet, F.C., and LaRoe, E.T., 1979, Classification of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States: U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, FWS/OBS—79/31, 131 p.

Describes different types of wetlands across the country. A technical presentation of each type of wetland, with photographs.

Dahl, T.E., 1990, Wetlands losses in the United States 1780's to 1980's: U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C., 13 p.

Documents the historical wetland loss nationwide. A compilation of existing data from a variety of sources.

Mitsch, W.J., and Gosselink, J.G., 1986, Wetlands: New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 539 p.

This textbook reviews different structures and functions of wetlands and discusses their ecological characteristics. A reference for scientists, engineers, and planners involved in the management of wetlands.

Watson, J.R., and Carney, Dave, 1988, Crisis on Louisiana's coast . . . America's loss: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District, in cooperation with the State of Louisiana, 13 p.

Explains the economic and ecological importance of Louisiana's wetlands, the causes of their loss, and the steps being taken by the State and six Federal agencies to address this critical problem, in an easy-to-read style.


Dolan, Robert, Anders, Fred, and Kimball, Suzette, 1985, Coastal erosion and accretion: U.S. Geological Survey National Atlas, scale 1:7,500,000,

Dolan, Robert, and Lins, Harry, 1986, The Outer Banks of North Carolina: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1177—B, 47 p.

Analyzes highly urbanized Fenwick Island and the less developed islands of North Carolina to demonstrate the processes and hazards associated with coastal barrier islands. The intended audience includes land-use planners, managers, and developers.

Morrison, H.R., and Lee, C.E., 1981, America's Atlantic Isles: Washington, D.C., National Geographic Society, 199 p.

Beautiful photographs and readable text describe the wide variety of islands found along the U.S. shoreline from Maine to Florida, as well as the range of wildlife and human communities that inhabit this region.

Pilkey, O.H., and Neal, W.J., ser. eds., variously dated from 1983 to 1991, Living with the shore: Durham, N.C., Duke University Press.

This series currently contains 14 volumes, each of which examines the shoreline of an individual State (Florida has two volumes, for east and west Florida). The books are intended for a nontechnical audience. They review the geologic history, the history of development, the coastal processes affecting the shoreline, human intervention on the shore, government programs affecting coastal real estate, and safeguards to take when buying or building to prepare for storms and hurricanes. The books also contain a detailed analysis of the entire shoreline with recommendations of where to buy shore property.

Williams, S.J., Dodd, Kurt, and Gohn, K.K., 1990, Coasts in crisis: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1075, 32 p.

This nontechnical publication describes our Nation's varied coastal environments and the natural processes and human actions that modify them. Its purpose is to highlight the importance of earth-science information in addressing this vital issue.


Council on Environmental Quality, 1989, Environmental trends: Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, 152 p.

Provides information on the current and foreseeable trends in the quality, management, and utilization of the environment and the effects of environmental trends. It is a wealth of statistical information in graphical presentation.

Johnston, R.H., 1986, Water quality issues; factors affecting ground-water quality, in U.S. Geological Survey, National water summary 1986—Hydrologic events and ground-water quality: U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 2325, p. 71-86.

Discusses the important factors affecting ground-water quality. Natural processes, human activities, hydrology, and climatic setting are all involved.

Waller, R.M., 1988, Ground water and the rural homeowner: U.S. Geological Survey General Interest Publication, 37 p.

This booklet provides general information on ground water, types of wells, and ground-water quality issues of interest to rural homeowners.


Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore
1100 N. Mineral Springs Road
Porter, IN 46304

Earth Sciences Information Center
Purdue University
Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing
1158 ENTM 214
West Lafayette, IN 47907

U.S. Geological Survey
Water Resources Division—District Office
5957 Lakeside Boulevard
Indianapolis, IN 4627

U.S. Geological Survey
Center for Coastal Geology
600 Fourth Street, South
St. Petersburg, FL 33701

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Last Updated: 27-Apr-2009