Hubbell Trading Post
Administrative History
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Public Law 89-148
89th Congress H. R. 3320
August 28, 1965


79 STAT. 584.
To authorize the establishment of the Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site, in the State of Arizona, and to other purposes

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, for the purpose of establishing the Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to purchase with donated funds or funds appropriated for the purpose, at a price to be agreed upon between the Secretary and the owner or owners, not to exceed the fair market value, the site and remaining structures of the Hubbell Trading Post at Ganado, Arizona, including the contents of cultural and historical value, together with such additional land and interests in land as in his discretion are needed to preserve and protect the post and its invirons for the benefit and enjoyment of the public: Provided, That the total area so acquired shall not exceed one hundred and sixty acres: Provided further, That the amount of land retained for the purpose hereinbefore stated shall not be in excess of that amount of land reasonably required to carry out the purposes of this Act, and any excess land, together with water rights, shall be offered for sale to the Navajo Indian Tribe at a price per acre equal to the per acre price paid for the total area, excluding structures and contents thereof.

Hubbell Trading
Post National
Historic Site,
SEC. 2. Upon a determination by the Secretary of the Interior that sufficient land, structures, and other property have been acquired by the United States for the national historic site, as provided in section 1 of this Act, such property shall be established as the Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site, and thereafter shall be administered by the Secretary of the Interior in accordance with the provisions of the Act of August 25, 1916 (39 Stat. 535), as amended. An order of the Secretary, constituting notice of such establishment, shall be published in the Federal Register. Administration.

16 USC 1-4.
Publication in
Federal Register.
SEC. 3. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated not more than $952,000 for the acquisition of lands and interests inland and the contents of the Hubbell Trading Post which are of cultural and historical value and for development costs in connection with the national historic site as provided by this Act. Appropriation.
Approved August 28, 1965.


HOUSE REPORT No. 565 (Comm. on Interior & Insular Affairs).
SENATE REPORT No. 580 (Comm. on Interior & Insular Affairs).
     July 17: Considered and passed House.
     Aug. 16: Considered and passed Senate.

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Last Updated: 28-Aug-2006