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Beaver Creek
Beaver Creek—an oasis in the desert.

How to Reach the Monument

Montezuma Castle is 5 miles north of Camp Verde, 60 miles south of Flagstaff, and 65 miles east of Prescott. It may be reached by U. S. 89 Alternate from Flagstaff via Oak Creek Canyon and Sedona, or by the same highway from Prescott through Jerome, Clarkdale, and Cottonwood, then on a State road through Cornville. It may also be reached by State Routes 69 and 79 from Phoenix, 95 miles to the south, through Camp Verde. Another approach from the south is the graveled road from Roosevelt Dam, via Payson, Pine, and Camp Verde.

Montezuma Well is 6 miles from the main entrance of Montezuma Castle National Monument. It is easily reached by going north from the Castle entrance on paved road for 2 miles; then, turn right at the road that passes through McGuireville a few hundred yards distant. Follow this road 4 miles to the entrance to the Well. A "back road" from Sedona reaches Montezuma Well from the north.

About Your Visit

You may visit the area from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. any day in the year. The nominal admission fee is waived for children under 12.

Picnic grounds with piped water, fireplaces, and tables are available in both sections of the monument. Supplies cannot be purchased at the monument, but you will find stores and a restaurant in nearby Camp Verde. There is also a grocery store at McGuireville, between Montezuma Castle and Montezuma Well.

map of Montezuma Castle area
(click on image for larger size)

map of Montezuma Well area
(click on image for larger size)

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