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GPO: Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.


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Potts, Daniel T. Open Letter in Niles Weekly Register, 3rd Series, IX, No. 6, (July 8, 1827) 90.

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Acker, W. B. (compiler). Laws and Regulations Relating to Yellowstone National Park. GPO, 1908.

Annual Reports of the Acting Superintendents, Yellowstone National Park, 1886-1916; Yosemite, Sequoia and General Grant National Parks, 1890-1914. GPO. 1886-1916.

Annual Reports of the Secretary of the Interior, 1870-1920. GPO, 1871-1921. Annual Reports of the Secretary of War, 1872-1919. GPO, 1873-1922. Annual Reports of the Superintendent of Yellowstone National Park, 1872, 1877-1886. GPO, 1873, 1878-1886.

Appendix to the Journals, Senate and Assembly of California, 1864-1924. Sacramento: State Printing Office, 1865-1925.

Assembly Hearings, "Investigations of Yosemite Commissioners," California Legislature, 1889. Sacramento: State Printing Office, 1890.

Biennial Message of Governor R. W. Waterman to the Legislature of California, 28th Session. Sacramento: State Printing Office, 1889.

Biographical Directory of the American Congresses; 1774-1927. GPO, 1928.

Blaine, John E. Annual Report of the Surveyor-General of Montana Territory, 1871. GPO, 1873.

California State Board of Trade, "Yosemite Valley: History, Description, and Statement of Conditions Relative to Proposed Recession to the National Government." Sacramento: Board of Trade, 1904.

Circulars, Yellowstone National Park, 1912-1917. GPO, 1913-1918.

Congressional Globe, 1863-1874. GPO, 1863-1874.

Congressional Record, 1875-1920. GPO, 1875-1920.

General information Circulars, National Parks, 1918, 1919. GPO, 1919, 1920.

Hayden, F. V. Preliminary Report of the United States Geological Survey of Montana and Adjacent Territories, Being a Fifth Annual Report of Progress. GPO, 1872.

_______. Twelfth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories. GPO, 1883.

Heitman, Francis B. Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army. Volumes 1 and 2. GPO, 1903.

Jones, William A. Report Upon the Reconnaissance of Northwestern Wyoming, Including Yellowstone National Park: Made in the Summer of 1873. GPO, 1875.

Laws and Judicial Decisions Relating to the Yosemite Valley and the Mariposa Big Tree Grove. San Francisco: Correy, 1874.

Low, F. F., and others. By-Laws of the Board of Commissioners in Charge of Yosemite Valley and Mariposa Big Tree Grove. San Francisco: Edward Basqui, 1866.

Miscellaneous Documents, United States Senate and House of Representatives, 1865-1920. GPO, 1866-1921.

Proceedings of the National Park Conferences. GPO, 1912, 1913, 1915, 1917.

Reports of the Commissioners to Manage the Yosemite Valley and the Mariposa Big Tree Grove, 1866-1904. Sacramento: Superintendent of State Printing, 1867-1905.

Rules, Regulations and Instructions for the Information and Guidance of Officers and Enlisted Men of the United States Army, and of the Scouts in the Yellowstone National Park. GPO, 1907.

Rules and Regulations and By-Laws of the Board of Commissioners to Manage the Yosemite Valley and the Mariposa Big Tree Grove. Sacramento: State Printing Office, 1885.

Rules and Regulations of the Yellowstone and the Yosemite National Parks, 1912. GPO, 1912.

Russell, Carl P. A Concise History of Scientific Investigations in the Yellowstone National Park. GPO, 1930.

Senate Committee, State of California, "In the Matter of the Investigation of the Yosemite Valley Commissioners." Sacramento: State Printing Office, 1889.

Sheridan, W. T. Reports on Explorations of Parts of Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana. GPO, 1882.

Statutes of California, 1866. Sacramento: State Printing Office, 1877.

Sullivan, Thomas Alan (compiler). Proclamations and Orders Relating to the National Parks, Up to January 1, 1945. GPO, 1947.

Tolson, Hillory A. (compiler). Laws Relating to the National Park Service. GPO, 1933.

United States Statutes at Large, 1864-1920. GPO, 1947.


National Archives, Washington, D. C.

Correspondence Received and Sent, Office of the Secretary of the Interior, 1864-1870.

Correspondence Received and Sent, Superintendents and Acting Superintendents, Yellowstone National Park, 1872-1920; Acting Superintendents, Yosemite, Sequoia, and General Grant National Parks, 1890-1914.

File Microcopies of Records Number 62: Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior Relating to the Yellowstone National Park, 1872-1886. Six Reels. (Communications Received and Sent by the Patents and Miscellaneous Division; Communications Received and Sent by the Appointments Division.)

General Correspondence Relating to Yosemite National Park, 1890-1907.

Miscellaneous Correspondence Received and Sent, General Land Office, 1864-1870.

Records of Fort Yellowstone, Wyoming, 1891-1916. (Records consist of copies of letters sent, 1903-1906; stubs of telegrams sent, 1901-1902; copies of telegrams sent, 1916; registers of letters received, 1906-1909; letters received, 1905-1910; telegrams received, 1905-1908, 1916; document file, 1910-1915; orders, 1891-1894, 1896-1916; record of Post schools, 1902-1904; descriptive book of noncommissioned staff, 1893-1906; descriptive lists of enlisted men, 1908-1916; sick reports, 1913-1916; morning reports and muster rolls, 1905-1916; post returns, 1915-1916; recruiting returns, 1903; records of summary courts, 1909-1916; letters received by a detachment of "Troop 2, Yellowstone Park, 1914-1916.)

Record Group 77, Documents pertaining to the United States Army Engineers, 1890-1907.

Record Group 79, Records of the National Park Service, Parks, Reservations and Antiquities, 1907-1914.

Record Group 92, United States Army Quartermaster Corps, Consolidated File, Fort Yellowstone, Wyoming, 1886-1917.

Record Group 94, The Adjutant General's Office, Select Documents pertaining to National Parks, 1886-1917.

Record Group 98, The Adjutant General's Office, Documents of Commands and Posts, 1886-1916.

Yellowstone National Park Archives

Correspondence Received, Yellowstone National Park, 1882-1908. 32 volumes.

Correspondence Sent, Yellowstone National Park, 1886-1907. 19 volumes.

Correspondence Received and Sent, Yellowstone National Park, 1908-1918. 76 boxes.

Correspondence Received From the Secretary of the Interior, 1897-1908. 7 volumes.

Court Records, United States Commissioner: Criminal Docker, 1894-1898; Reports of Trials, 1910-1917; Record of Violations of Rules and Regulations, 1887-1921; Letters Sent, 1894-1907, 1907-1918.

Monthly Station Reports, 1894-1917. 18 boxes.

Permanent Station Records, 1898-1918. 18 volumes.

Weekly Station Reports, 1910-1916. 16 boxes.


How the U.S. Cavalry Saved Our National Parks
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