Notes on Hampton Mansion
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ILLUSTRATION NO. 1. Portion of the Joshua Barney Map, 1843

This beautifully drawn ink map of the Hampton lands, evidently from instrument surveys, shows much detail and helps to identify existing structures.The delineation of the Mansion grounds, including the terraced gardens is interesting.

Many of the buildings around the Overseer's House (upper center) still stand, though outside of the "National Site." Note size of tree plantations, presumably orchards.

(click on image for a PDF version)

ILLUSTRATIONS 2A - 2D. Mansion Floor Plans, July 1875.

This set of four ink floor plans by John Laing, Civil Engineer & Architect, seem to be accurate and show the uses of the rooms in the Victorian period. Note concentration of sanitary installations in West Wing.

ILLUSTRATION NO. 3. Charcoal Making, 1765

The landscape around the Northampton ironworks must have been full of smoking charcoal "furnaces" when the Mansion was being built. Copper plate from the Universal Magazine (London) for June, 1765 (collections of the writer).

Something of the story of the American iron industry ought to be available for visitors at Hampton.

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Last Updated: 07-Jul-2008