SELECTED REFERENCES ABBOTT, Newton Carl Montana in the Making. 1939. AHERN, Major George P., Montana's Last Extensive Exploration. Manuscript. ALBRIGHT, George Leslie, M. A. Official Explorations for Pacific Railroads, 1853-1955. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley. 1921 APGAR SCHOOL Apgar History. A paper on History of Apgar residents, compiled by the school at Apgar, Montana. 1950. BANCROFT, Hubert Howe, The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft, Vol. XXXI. History of Washington, Idaho, and Montana, 1845-1889. The History Publishing Co., 1890. BARRY, J. NeilsonJames Doty. Letter April 19, 1935. Official GNP Files. BARRY, J. NeilsonJames Doty. Letter July 12, 1935. Official GNP Files. BARRY, J. NeilsonMarias Pass. Letter March 11, 1929. Official GNP Files. BEALS, Ralph L. Earliest Glacier A By-Passed Beaver Bonanza. Montana, the Magazine of Western History, Summer, 1957. BEALS, Ralph L. History of Glacier National Park with Particular Emphasis on the Northern Developments, U.S. Dept. of Int., National Park Service. Berkeley, California. 1935. BRIMLOW, George F. Marias Pass Explorer, John F. Stevens. Montana Magazine of History, Historical Society of Montana, Vol. 3, No. 3, Summer, 1953, p. 39. CAMPBELL, Archibald Reports Upon the Survey of the Boundary Between the Territory of the United States and the Possessions of Great Britain. Government Printing Office, Washington D. C., 1878. CAMPBELL, Marius R. The Glacier National Park, A Popular Guide to its Geology and Scenery. Govt. Printing Office Washington, D. C., 1914. CANADIAN CATTLEMAN June, 1940. COLLINS. Mrs. Nat. The Cattle Queen. Undated. publication, probably late 1880's. CONTRIBUTIONS to the Historical Society of Montana, 1890 to 1923, Vols. 4. 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10. CRUGER, E. J. Personal Interview by D. H. Robinson, 1952 and 1953. CULVER, G. E. Notes on a Little Known Region in Northwestern Montana, Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters. 1891. DE SMET, Father Pierre Letters and Accounts in Thwaite's, Early Western Travels, 1748-1846. DOTY, James Itinerary of James Doty, 1854. Pacific Railroad Reports, Vol. 1, p. 547-551. Vol 12, p. 184-186. From letter by J. Neilson Barry, dated April 19, 1935. Official GNP Files. DOUMA, Don Second Bonanza: The History of Oil in Montana. Montana Magazine of History, Historical Society of Montana. Vol. 3, No. 4, Autumn, 1953. ELROD, Morton J. Elrod's Guide and Book of Information of Glacier National Park. M. J. Elrod. 1924. EWERS, John C. The Story of the Blackfeet. Indian Lore and Customs, Pamphlet No. 6. U.S. Dept. Interior, Indian Service. 1944. FLANDRAU, Grace The Story of Marias Pass. Great Northern Railway. GARRISON, Lou The Park Saddle Horse Company. Official Files GNP. GLACIER DRIFT Nature Notes1927 to 1936. Glacier National Park Library. GLACIER NATIONAL PARK Official files, 1910 to 1953. Miscellaneous letters, records, reports, etc. GLACIER NATIONAL PARK Official files on Cassidy-Swiftcurrent Oil Co. dated July 5, 1923; Feb. 28, 1925; May 11, 1926. GLACIER NATIONAL PARK Park Naturalist's Reports, 1925-1953. Official files GNP GLACIER NATIONAL PARK Press Releases, various dates. GLACIER NATIONAL PARK Superintendent's annual & monthly reports, 1911-1953. GLACIER PARK Transport Co. Drivers' Manual. Various issues, 1937-49. GRANT, Madison Early History of Glacier National Park. U.S. Gov't. Printing Office. 1919. GREAT NORTHERN Semaphore January, 1927. GREENHOW, Robert Memoir Historical and Political of the Northwest Coast of America. Washington, D. C. 1840. GRINNELL, George Bird Historic Papers of Dr. George Bird Grinnell. Bound original letters and clippings. GNP Library. GRINNELL, George Bird The Crown of the Continent. From the Century, Vol. 62, Sept. 1901, p. 660. HARPER, Frank B. Fort Union and its Neighbors, p. 12. HOSMER, James K. History of the Expedition of Captain Lewis and Clark, 1804-05-06. Vols. I and II. A. C. McClurg & Co. 1924 HUTCHINGS, Henry W. Personal Interviews by D. H. Robinson, 1951. LAUT, Agnes C. The Blazed Trail of the Old Frontier. Robt. McBride & Co. 1926. LANG, George WT. & Revis, Kathleen Many-Splendored Glacierland, National Geographic Magazine, May, 1956. LIBBY, Donald C. Letter to Kalispell News, March 18, 1929. Official GNP Files. LIEBIG, Frank F. Various items, diaries, albums, clippings, etc., from the collection of the late Frank F. Liebig, Kalispell, Montana. LlEBIG, Mrs. Frank F. Personal Interview by D. H. Robinson, 1953. LOGAN, Major W. R. A National Park in its Formative Stages. From proceedings of the National Park Conference, 1911, p. 161. MALOUF, Carling Early Kootenai History. Montana Magazine of History, Historical Society of Montana, Vol. II, No. 2, April, 1952, p. 5. McCLINTOCK, Walter The Old North Trail. MacMillan & Co., London, 1910. MIDDLETON, S. H. Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park, GNP Library. MONTANA Historical Society Montana Magazine of History, Helena, Montana. 1951-1953. MONTANA School of Mines Librarian, Loretta B. Peck. Letter Sept. 11, 1947. MURRAY, Genevieve Marias Pass, Its Part in the History and Development of the Northwest. Studies in Northwest History No. 12, University of Montana, Missoula. Reprint from Great Falls Tribune, Great Falls, Montana. NEIL, Henry Letter to Supt. Galen, Feb. 12, 1914. Official files, GNP. NIELSON, Charles Personal Interview by D. H. Robinson. 1952. NOFFSINGER, Mrs. Edwina Personal Interview by D. H. Robinson. 1953. OPINION Chinook, Montana. October 29, 1892. PLASSMAN, M. E. Plenna Herald, September, 1924. PUBLIC ARCHIVES of Canada Series C., Vol. 202, p. 11. Montana Historical Library ref., Helena, Montana. PUMPELLY, Raphael My Reminiscenses. Henry Holt & Co., New York. 1918. RECORD Fort Benton, Montana. 1877. RIDENOUR, J. H. The Voyage of the Steamer Oakes. 1942. Official files. RIVER PRESS Fort Benton, Montana. February 19, 1890. ROBINSON, Donald H. Historical Notes on Glacier National Park. ROBINSON, Donald H Short History of Glacier National Park, unpublished. ROGERS, Edmund B. Abstracts of Legislation in Congress Relating to the Establishment of Glacier National Park. April, 1948. Official files, GNP. ROGERS, Edmund B. History of Legislation Pertaining to Glacier National Park. Letter to Supt., Glacier National Park, October 30, 1935. Official files GNP. RUHLE, Dr. George C. Historical Briefs, compiled by Dr. Ruble for Glacier Park Drivers' Manual. 1949. RUHLE, Dr. George C. Logan Pass Dedication Ceremony, July 15, 1933. Official files GNP. RUHLE, Dr. George C Various articles in Drivers' Manual and official files. SANDERS, Helen Fitzgerald A History of Montana. Vols. I and III. Lewis Publishing Co. 1913. SCHULTZ, James Willard My Life as an Indian. Houghton Mifflin Co. 1906. SCHULTZ, James Willard Rising Wolf, The White Blackfoot, Houghton Mifflin Co. 1919. SCHULTZ, James Willard Various articles written for Forest & Stream and other publications. SCHULTZ, James Willard Signposts of Adventure. Houghton Mifflin Co. 1926. SCOYEN, E. T. Letter to Mr. Clare Murphy, March 28, 1936. Official files, GNP. SHANNON, Frank M. History of Glacier National Park. Great Falls Tribune, March 17, 1940, and other articles. SHERBURNE, Frank P. Personal Interview by D. H. Robinson, 1953. SHERBURNE, Frank P. Mineral and Oil Venture in Glacier National Park. History files, GNP. SHERBURNE, J. L. Swiftcurrent Oil Wells. Official files, GNP. SPERRY, Albert L. Avalanche. Christopher Publishing House. 1938. SPERRY, Lyman B. In the Montana Rockies. STAGNER, Howard R. The National Park Wilderness. STEVENSON, Frank M. Diary, owned by Mrs. Earl Burris, Hayden Lake, Idaho. STEWARD, Julian H. The Blackfoot. U. S. Dept. Int., National Park Service, Berkeley, California. 1934. TINKHAM, Lt. A. W. Excerpts from "Explorations and Surveys for a Railroad Route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean." Vol 1, War Department. Reprinted in Glacier Drift. TRIBUNE Great Falls, Montana. Various articles. U. S. FOREST SERVICE Early Days in the Forest Service. Region 1, U. S. F. S., Missoula, Montana, 1944. From Liebig Collection. VAUGHT, L. O. Letter to Dr. G. C. Ruhle, March 8, 1936. Official files, GNP. VAUGHT, L. O. Manuscript in history file. GNP. VEACH, William An Early Trip Into Glacier Park. Official files, GNP. February 22, 1929. WEEKLY MISSOULIAN Missoula, Montana. 1883. WEDEMEYER, Olga The Story of the Tobacco Plains Country. WHIPPS, W. C. Letter to Supt. Scoyen, January 23, 1933. Official GNP place names file. WHITCRAFT, Thos. E. Early Days in the Ranger ForceReport dated May 7, 1935. Official files, GNP.
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