Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
NPS Logo
Volume I

WASH HOUSE (continued)

Construction details

Practically nothing is known concerning the physical structure of the wash house. The only reasonable basis for estimating the dimensions (since the Emmons plan of 1841 has no scale and is known to be inaccurate in its proportions) is the Vavasour plan. On that basis the building would have been about 15 feet by 30 feet in size, with the long dimension running north and south (see plate VII).

Because of its age (pre-1841), the structure almost certainly was roofed with boards. In such case the ridge of the gable roof would have been north and south. If the wooden blocks found during archeological excavation actually represent footings, it can be assumed with some confidence that the building was of the usual post-on-sill construction. According to the Emmons plan, there were three doors in the west wall of the wash house.


a. Since it is now practically certain that the wash house existed in late 1845, there is no longer any reason to hesitate to include it among the buildings to be reconstructed.

b. Since no information whatsoever has been found concerning the interior arrangements of a wash house at any Company post, it is recommended that only the exterior shell be constructed in conformity with usual Company building practices. The interior may, if such action appears administratively desirable, well be devoted to some utilitarian purpose, such as use as visitor restrooms.

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Last Updated: 10-Apr-2003