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Historical Background

Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings

Suggested Reading


Explorers and Settlers
Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings

National Historic Landmark ST. IGNACE MISSION

Location: Mackinac County, State and Marquette Streets, St. Ignace.

Ownership and Administration. City of St. Ignace.

Significance. The establishment of St. Ignace Mission on Mackinac Island in 1670-71 marked the beginning of European occupation of the strategically located Straits of Mackinac area [see above description]. At this mission, in 1673, Marquette joined Louis Jolliet on their pioneering journey down the Mississippi River, as far as the Arkansas River. In 1672, the mission was moved to the mainland on the northern shore of the Straits of Mackinac, where it is now commemorated. Inactive during the period 1706-11, in 1712 it was reopened. In 1741, it was again relocated, on the southern shore of the straits, where Jesuits were in charge until 1765.

St. Ignace Mission site
Site of St. Ignace Mission, in St. Ignace, Michigan. The mission served as a base for Marquette and Jolliet's exploratory journey down the Mississippi River. The site is located in a small city park overlooking Lake Huron and Mackinac Island.

Present Appearance. The mission site is in a small, 1-acre city park, which overlooks Lake Huron and Mackinac Island. A museum adjacent to the park, maintained by the Catholic diocese of Marquette, interprets the story of Marquette and other French explorers and missionaries. It is open to the public. [35]

NHL Designation: 10/09/60

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Last Updated: 22-Mar-2005