Crater Lake
Historic Resource Study
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XI. Summary of Important Structures

A. List of Classified Structures

Buildings on the Crater Lake National Park List of Classified Structures as of January 4, 1983, included:

Bldg.LCS ID# Bldg. #
Administration Office Building12011001
Exhibit Building, Rim Village12970066
Sinnott Memorial Building00241067
Ranger Dormitory12012002
Employee's Residence12017024
Employee's Residence12016025
Employee's Residence12015028
Employee's Residence12014030
Employee's Residence12013031
Employee's Residence12095032
Superintendent's Residence12018019
Watchman Fire Lookout12019168

Several structures have been removed from the LCS since 1976:

Crater Lake Lodge(1909)565
Old Community House(1920 [1924])116
Machine Shop(1932)005
Sign Shop(1940)037
Pump House (removed, 1976)(1930 [1927])186
Garage and Woodshed(1934)033
Mess Hall/Bunkhouse(1930)003
Transformer House(1928)036
Meat House(1928 [1923?])013
Naturalist's House(1932)020

B. National Register of Historic Places

The Crater Lake Lodge has been determined to be eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places as being of regional architectural significance.

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Last Updated: 14-Feb-2002