Civil War Defenses of Washington
Historic Resource Study
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Known Landowner or their RepresentativeFortifications
Columbus AlexanderFort Tillinghast
Sarah E. AndersonFort Baker
Miss Eliza BerryFort Greble
Lucien BerryFort Greble
Thomas M. BerryFort Greble
William BerryFort Greble
Samuel O. BogotBattery Rodgers
Major Sayles J. BowenFort Davis
Septimus BrownFort Craig
Philip J. BuckeyFort Bayard
S.F. BurrowsFort Simmons
L. BurrowsFort Simmons
C. & O. Canal Co.Fort Martin Scott
John F. CallanFort Slocum
Michael CatonFort DuPont
Samuel Carison (Causen??)Fort Craig
Charles B. Calvert, ExecutorFort Thayer
George W. ChaseFort Reynolds
L.E. ChittendenFort Reynolds, Fort Scott, Fort Slocum
John CollinsBattery Penn
Samuel CooperFort Williams
Sewall B. CorbetttFort Barnard, Fort Berry
Thomas Cozar, GuardianFort Hagerty
Margeret B. DangerfieldBattery Garesche & nearby Blockhouse
Thomas DawsonFort Strong
Thomas Dean familyFort Mansfield
John H. Bogue, AttorneyFort Bennett
Henry DouglassFort Slemmer
Henry Rozier DulanyFort Ellsworth
Rebecca Ann DulanyFort Ellsworth
Giles DyerFort Reno
Mrs. [James C.] DyerFort Reno
Miles DyerFort Reno
Benedict EdelinFort Foote
____ ElliotFort Craig
Emory Chapel (Methodist Church)Fort Stevens
Mrs. M.A. HillFort Foote
Hunter familyFort Scott
Joseph T. JenkinsFort Snyder
Thomas JenkinsFort Snyder
Thomas JewellFort C.F. Smith
J.R. Johnson Fort Albany
Samuel R. JohnsonFort Willard
John KennedyFort Sedgewick
John B. KibbeyFort Saratoga
William Kibbey, ExecutorFort Saratoga
John H. KingBattery Parrott
Ellen J. KingBattery Parrott
John LambdenFort Woodbury
Daniel F. LeeFort Davis
Mary Randolph LeeFort Cass, Fort Whipple
Albert LodgeFort Sumner
B.B. LloydFort Bennett
Mr. LoughboroughFort Gaines
Ann McDanielsFort Saratoga
John C. McFerronFort Greble
John MageeFort Kearney
Capt. William A.T. MaddoxFort Gaines, Battery Kemble
Manassas Gap RailroadBattery Rodgers
Mrs. E.M. MeredithFort Ethan Allen
Stephen MeredithFort Ethan Allen
Mary MurrayFort Hagerty
Owen MurrayFort Hagerty
Ann A.C. NaylorFort Baker
Susan M. NaylorFort Baker
Allen PearceFort Strong
J.H. PhillipsBattery Cameron
Edward B. PowellFort Reynolds
Henry QuinnFort Bunker Hill
Judson RichardsonFort Wagner
James RoachFort Albany, Fort Runyon
James Roach's heirsFort Albany, Fort Runyon
Wm. H. (or B.) RossFort Bennett, Fort Corcoran
Francis W. Rozier & wifeFort Foote
Selby B. ScaggsFort Chaplin, Fort Craven
Shoemaker FamilyBattery Bailey
Charles ShoemakerFort Simmons
Samuel ShoemakerFort Mansfield
Willan SilveyFort Williams, Fort Worth
J.H. SmithFort Ricketts
George A. SmithFort Williams
Mrs. StowFort Meigs
Elizabeth Studds' heirsBlockhouse south of Fort Ellsworth
George StuddsBlockhouse south of Fort Ellsworth
Henry StuddsBlockhouse between Fort Ellsworth & Fort Lyon, also battery
B.T. SwartFort DeRussy, Battery Smeade
George Washington TalburttFort Ricketts Fort Stanton
George ThomasFort Totten
Elizabeth Thomas Fort Stevens
Mr. Joseph TrimbleFort Meigs
United States GovernmentFort Cass, Battery Vermont, Fort Whippl,e
Gilbert VanderwerkenFort Marcy
John VeitchBattery Jameson, Fort Lincoln
Mrs. Mary WalkerFort Reynolds, Fort Slocum
James WeaverFort Martin Scott
Josiah WillardFort Willard
Z? Badcock WilliamsFort Snyder
John WilliamsFort Williams
Fenwick YoungFort Carroll [1]

1 Information in this appendix was found in the following sources: Reed Hansen, "Civil War to Civil Concern: A History of Fort Marcy, Virginia." M.A. thesis in History, George Mason University, 1973, 13-14; National Archives and Records Administration, Archives I, Record Group 92, Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General (hereafter referred to as RG92), Special Files, 1794-1926, Entry 225, Consolidated Correspondence File, 1794-1890, "De Russy, Fort (1865-66)," "Defenses of Washington, DC," "Ethan Allen, Fort (VA) (1864)," "Greble, Fort (MD, 1869)," "Fort Reno, DC, 1863-," "Slocum, Fort - D.C."; National Archives and Records Administration, Archives I, Record Group 77, Records of the Office of the Chief of Engineers (hereafter referred to as RG77), Records of Detached Engineer Officers, Defenses of Washington, 1861-66, Entry 574, Land Releases, 1865, including "Defenses of Washington, List of transfers of Public property as compensation for damages and releases by the Claimants," December 16, 1865"; National Archives and Records Administration, Archives I, Record Group 29, Records of the Bureau of the Census, Microcopy 653, Eighth Census of the United States, 1860 [hereafter referred to as M653], Rolls 102-104; Wynn E. Withans, "Preservation Plan for Fort C.F. Smith," Plan 830 (January 1986) [Found in Fort Ward, Cooling Papers, Research Files, "Mr. Lincoln's Forts" Box 2 of 2, folder marked Fort C.F. Smith], 7; Ruth Ward, "Life in Alexandria County During the Civil War," The Arlington Historical Society Journal, VII, (October 1984), 3; Dorthea Abbott, Historian, to Gail Baker, Chairman, HALRB, September 20, 1990, Subject: History of the Hendry property, in Arlington County Central Library, Virginia Room, Vertical File, Civil War Forts–Fort C.F. Smith; Fort Myer Post, The History of Fort Myer, Virginia, 100th Anniversary Issue, June 1863, 1-2; A Narrative History of Fort Myer Virginia [1954?] Falls Church, VA: Litho-Print Press, n.d., 1; Benjamin Franklin Cooling, III, and Walton H. Owen, II. Mr. Lincoln's Forts: A Guide to the Civil War Defenses of Washington. Shippensburg, PA: White Mane Publishing Company, 1988, 64; Judith Beck Helm, Tenleytown, D. C.: Country Village into City Neighborhood (Washington, DC: Tennally Press, 1981), 97, 113, 119; Fort Ward, Cooling Papers, Research Files, "Mr. Lincoln's Forts" Box 1 of 2, 2nd folder; Washington at Home, 82-83; RG92, Central Records, Claims, 1839-1914, Claims Registers and Claims, 1839-1901, Miscellaneous Claims, Entry 843, Claims and Related Papers for Damage to Property by Troops in the Service of the United States, 1861-65, #189; RG92, Claims, 1839-1914,Claims Branch, 1861-1870, Document File, Quartermaster Stores, Rent, Services and Miscellaneous Claims, Entries 797 and 812, Entry 18, Letters Received, 1826-66, SW4579, L.H.T. to B.T. Swart; RG77, entry 171, Land Papers, 1794-1916, District of Columbia; Philip W. Ogilvie, "Elizabeth Thomas (1821-1917), multi-page document of events in her life and reproduction of numerous published accounts about her (1998); Benjamin Franklin Cooling, Jubal Early's Raid On Washington 1864 (Baltimore, MD: The Nautical and Aviation Publishing Company of America, 1989), 132, 134, ; Benjamin Franklin Cooling, Symbol, Sword, and Shield: Defending Washington During the Civil War, Second Edition (Shippensburg, PA: White Mane Publishing Company, 1991), 80; Cooling and Walton, Mr. Lincoln's Forts, 159; Cramer, John Henry Cramer, Lincoln Under Enemy Fire: The Complete Account of His Experiences During Early's Attack on Washington, (Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 1948), 24-25; William Van Zandt Cox, The Defenses of Washington–General Early's Advance on the Capital and the Battle of Fort Stevens, July 11 and 12, 1864. (Washington, 1907?), 4; Program for the Commorative Ceremony on The One Hundreth Anniversary of the Battle of Fort Stevens at Fort Stevens, Washington, D.C., 2:00 o'clock, July 11, 1964 (1964), "Aunt Betty," 2 pages; U.S., Congress, Senate, Committee on the District of Columbia. Park Improvement Papers: A Series of Twenty Papers Relating to the Improvement of Park System of the District of Columbia, No. 4, Fort Stevens, Where Lincoln Was Under Fire by William V. Cox (Washington, D.C.: The Government Printing Office, 1901), 2; #A2298, Major D.C. Houston to Brevet Major General Andrew A. Humphreys, Chief of Engineers, May 11, 1869; #A3624, William P. Craighill to Chief of Engineers, May 13, 1870; and #A3557, Samuel O. Bogot to Chief of Engineers, April 20, 1870; Entry 36, Letters Received ("A File"), November 1867-November 1870, Correspondence Relating To Fortifications, Correspondence of Office Divisions, 1865-70, Records of the Central Office, RG77; Entry 36, Letters Received ("A File"), November 1867-November 1870, Correspondence Relating To Fortifications, Correspondence of Office Divisions, 1865-70, Records of the Central Office, RG77; "The Rambler" column, The Sunday Star, May 21, 1916–Part 4, page 7 and June 4, 1916–Part 4, page 6; Alan Virta, Prince George's County: A Pictorial History (Virginia Beach, VA: The Donning Company Publishers, 1984 & 1991), 121, 125; Anne Ciprani Webb, "Fort Strong on Arlington Heights," The Arlington Historical Magazine, 5 (October 1973), 34-39; Roy C. Brewer, "Fort Scott–Past, Present, and Future," The Arlington Historical Magazine, 3 (October 1965), 40-47; Jan Magnusson, "Fort Scott," The Arlington Historical Magazine, 2 (October 1964), 37-47; T. Michael Miller, "Jones Point: Haven of History," The Historical Society of Fairfax County, Virginia Yearbook, Volume 21 (1986-1988), 39-42; T. Michael Miller, "The Saga of Shuter's Hill," The Historical Society of Fairfax County, Virginia, Volume 19, (1983), 80-83; "Alexandria Archaeology Investigates Shuter's Hill (1997), publication of Alexandria Archaeology, pages 1-2.

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Last Updated: 29-Oct-2004