Platt Historic District: Cultural Landscape Report
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Many individuals and institutions have contributed to the completion of this project. We are particularly grateful to the staff at Chickasaw National Recreation Area for their help in research and in reviewing drafts. We are thankful to Judy Kahlor, for her vast knowledge of park history and willingness to located, copy, and send us historic documents. Cal Myers and Tim Jarrell brought insights on park maintenance to the project, while Steve Burrough and Ron Parker provided advice and reviewed drafts from the perspectives of natural resource management and interpretation, respectively. Finally, Ken Ruhnke deserves special thanks for his unflagging devotion to the entire project and his support of the ISU project team in ways too numerous to describe here.

At Iowa State University, thanks are due to research assistants Dorothy Tang, Bryan Wright, and Zach Bitting for their drawing, research, and proofreading assistance. We are also grateful to Emmaly Fenton Renshaw for her help in the graphic design of the report. Thanks are also due to the Department of Landscape Architecture and department head Timothy Keller, for their overall support of our efforts. Finally, although we have not personally met all of these people, we would like to the other researchers of Platt National Park, including harlen Groe, Kay Sallee, James Steely, and Jacilee Wray, whose earlier work helped paved the way for this project,

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Last Updated: 9-AUG-2005