Platt National Park
Environment and Ecology
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1 Introduction to the Park

2 Evolution of the Park's Physical Landscape

3 Ecology of the Park's Biological Landscapes

4 Landscapes and Ecosystems of the Park

5 Man's Impact on the Park's Landscape

6 Conclusion

Appendix. Flora and Fauna of the Park

Suggested Readings


Index (omitted from the online edition)

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Barker, Ballard M.
Platt National Park : environment and ecology.
Bibliography: p.
1. Platt National Park. I. Jameson, William Carl, joint author. II. Title.
F702.P7B37 917.66'57 74—15909
ISBN 0-8061—1256—5

Copyright 1975 by the University of Oklahoma Press, Publishing Division of the University. Composed and printed at Norman, Oklahoma, U.S.A., by the University of Oklahoma Press. First edition.



Sulphur entrance to Platt National Park
Antelope Spring
The Pavilion of Bromide and Medicine springs
Wading pool along Travertine Creek
Bison Viewpoint
Travertine Nature Center and gateway to Environmental Study Area
Self-guiding nature trail
An exposure of strata of the Vanoss formation
Vanoss formation on northern face of Bromide Hill
Rock Creek
Alluvial soil of the park's lowland
Natural levee along Rock Creek
Dark soil on slopes of Bromide Hill
Roadcut along Perimeter Drive
An example of succession
Winter scene on Travertine Creek
A climax lowland forest near Travertine Creek
Cleaned woodland around Rock Creek
Immature woodland in Rock Creek Campground
Short-grass cover on conglomerate upland
Bunch grass of dry upland soil
Upland grassland behind Bromide Hill
Prickly-pear cactus
Transitional boundary along conglomerate upland
Not-so-silent spring
Flood damage to park's landscape
Overgrazed pasture beyond park's boundary


1. Map of Oklahoma
2. Platt National Park
3. Arbuckle Recreation Area
4. Boundaries of Indian nations and prominent army posts in 1860's
5. Formation of the earth's crust
6. Early sedimentation and subsidence
7. Geological faulting in the Platt area
8. Inundation of Platt area by Ordovician sea
9. Anticlinal formation of the Arbuckle Mountains
10. Two hundred million years of erosion
11. Origin of the park's springs
12. Energy storage in a vegetation succession
13. Cellular growth and reproduction of a root hair
14. Simplified model of the food chain
15. Raccoon
16. Upland food chain in Platt National Park


Platt National Park: Environment and Ecology
©1975, University of Oklahama Press
barker-jameson/contents.htm — 09-Mar-2009

Copyright © 1975 University of Oklahoma Press, Publishing Division at the University. Material from this edition may not be reproduced in any manner without the written consent of the University of Oklahoma Press.