Capitol Reef
Administrative History
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Books, Articles And Professional Papers

Creamer and Noble. Boulder-Bullfrog Scenic Road. St. George, Utah: State of Utah and Five County Association of Governments, 1984.

Hunt, Charles B. Geology and Geography of the Henry Mountains Region, Utah. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 228. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1953.

LeFevre, Lenora. Boulder Country and Its People. Springville, Utah: Art City Publishing, 1973.

Roylance, Ward. "Four Roads Lead to Cathedral Valley's Great Monoliths." Torrey, Utah: Capitol Reef Natural History Association, n.d.

Snow, Anne, ed. Rainbow Views: A History of Wayne County. 4th ed. Springville, Utah: Art City Publishing, 1985.

Woolsey, Nethela. "History of the Burr Trail Road." Undated typescript. Copy on file, Bureau of Land Management, Escalante Resource Office, Escalante Utah.

Newspapers And Newsletters

Daily Spectrum. (St. George, Utah) 24 May and November 1985.

Deseret News. (Salt Lake City) 14-15 June 1984, October-December 1985, 18-19 February 1987.

Richfield Reaper. (Richfield, Utah) October-December 1985.

Salt Lake Tribune. August 1984, 7 November 1985, 29 January 1987, January 1988.

The Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance. Giving the Land a Voice. Vol. 8, No. 4 (Winter 1991-92).

Department Of Interior Documents And Publications

Brown, Lenard. The Baker Ranch: A History. Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, 1970.

"Environmental Assessment for Road Improvement Alternatives: Boulder-to-Bullfrog (Burr Trail)." Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service and Bureau of Land Management, 1993.

Environmental Associates, Inc. "Capitol Reef National Park: Master Plan." Prepared under contract for the National Park Service, December 1973.

______. "Transportation Study for Arches, Canyonlands and Capitol Reef National Parks, Utah." Prepared under contract for the National Park Service, n.d. - circa December 1973.

"Final Environmental Impact Statement, General Management Plan, Statement of Findings: Capitol Reef National Park, Utah." Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1983.

Frye, Bradford. "Boulder-Bullfrog Road: Comparison of Sections Before and After 1942." Draft prepared for National Park Service, Rocky Mountain Region, 1992.

______. "History of Boulder-Bullfrog Road." Draft prepared for National Park Service, Rocky Mountain Region, March 1992.

O'Bannon, Patrick W. "Capitol Reef National Park: Survey Report." Prepared under contract for the National Park Service, Rocky Mountain Region, June 1992.

"Proposed Rule: 43 CFR Part 39, Revised Statutes 2477 Rights-of-Way." Washington, D.C.: Office of the Secretary of the Interior, 14 March 1994.

"Proposed Wilderness, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah." Draft Environmental Statement. National Park Service, Denver Service Center, June 1974.

"Wilderness Recommendation: Capitol Reef National Park, Utah." Washington, D.C.: United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, November 1974.

Other Federal Records

"Enlarging The Capitol Reef National Monument, Utah." Presidential Proclamation #3249. Code of Federal Regulations. Vol. 3 (1954-58 ed.):160.

Utah Central District Court Records: Sierra Club v. Hodel. 87C-0120-A. 1987.

U.S. House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, Subcommittee on Public Lands. Withdrawal of Public Lands by Presidential Proclamation of the Expansion of Capitol Reef National Monument and H.R. 17152 and S.531. 91st Cong., 2nd sess., 1970.

U.S. House. Joint Statement of the Committee of Conference. 92nd Cong., 1st sess., 30 November 1971. Report 92-685.

Act to Establish A Capitol Reef National Park in the State of Utah. P.L. 92-207. U.S. Statutes at Large. 85 (1971): 739-740.

Act to Establish A Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in the States of Utah and Arizona. U.S. Statutes at Large. 85 (1972):


National Archives and Record Center, Denver, Colorado

Record Group 79 - Records of the National Park Service Accessions:


Capitol Reef National Park, Torrey, Utah:

Active Superintendent's Files
Historic Superintendent's Files
Capitol Reef National Park Archives
Resource Management Files

Garfield County Engineer's Office, Panguitch, Utah:

Files related to Boulder-Bullfrog Road

Technical Information Center, Denver Service Center:

Maps and Documents pertaining to Capitol Reef National Park - Park #158

Utah State Historical Society Library, Salt Lake City, Utah


Bremner, Brian. (Garfield County Engineer) Interview with Bradford Frye. 10 March 1992. Burr Trail History Notes, Capitol Reef Unprocessed Archives.

Christensen, Ted. (Project Engineer, Boulder-to-Bullfrog Road) Telephone Interview with Bradford Frye. Notes, 28 March 1992, Burr Trail History Notes, Capitol Reef Unprocessed Archives.

Durfey, Golden. (Rancher, Notom) Interview with Bradford Frye. Tape recording, 4 March 1991. Capitol Reef Archives.

______. Interview with Bradford Frye. Notes, 27 March 1992. Burr Trail History Notes, Capitol Reef Unprocessed Archives.

Heyder, Robert C. (Former Superintendent, Capitol Reef National Park) Interview with Bradford Frye. Notes, 1 November 1993. Tape on file in Administrative History Files and Notes, Capitol Reef Unprocessed Archives.

Jeffery, Garn. (Rancher, Wayne County) Interview with Keith Durfey. Notes, 10 September 1994. Administrative History Files and Notes, Capitol Reef Unprocessed Archives.

Lundy, Charles V. (Superintendent, Capitol Reef National Park) Telephone Interview with Bradford Frye. Tape recording, 29 July 1994. Administrative History Files and Notes, Capitol Reef Unprocessed Archives.

Pace, Guy. (Rancher, Wayne County) Interview with Bradford Frye. Tape recording, 13 February 1991. Capitol Reef Archives.

______. Interview with Keith Durfey. 19 September 1994. Administrative History Files and Notes, Capitol Reef Unprocessed Archives.


1 This is only a brief overview of the history of roads that bisect Capitol Reef National Park. Please see Chapters 4, 5, 8, 12, and 15 for more details and sources regarding roads prior to monument creation in 1937.

2 Anne Snow, ed., Rainbow Views: A History of Wayne County, 4th ed. (Springville, Utah: Art City Publishing, 1985), 74.

3 Ibid., 75.

4 Bradford Frye, "History of Boulder-Bullfrog Road," draft prepared for National Park Service, Rocky Mountain Region, March 1992, 2-6.

5 Guy Pace, interview with Keith Durfey, 19 September 1994, notes in Administrative History files and notes, Capitol Reef Unprocessed Archives.

6 Ward Roylance, "Four Roads Lead to Cathedral Valley's Great Monoliths," (Capitol Reef Natural History Association, n.d.), 3.

7 Ibid.; Garn Jeffery, interview with Keith Durfey, 10 September 1994, notes in Administrative History files and notes, Capitol Reef Unprocessed Archives; Guy Pace, interview with Bradford Frye, 13 February 1991, Capitol Reef National Park Archives, 31-32.

8 Ibid.

9 See Chapter 8.

10 Frank C. Huston, Assistant Engineer, "Report on Roads," 21 February 1938, File CR-630, Part I, Accession #79-60A-354, Container #63180, Box 2, Records of the National Park Service, Record Group 79 (RG 79), National Archives - Rocky Mountain Region, Denver (all RG 79 records are from this archive unless otherwise noted), 1. There are references to accompanying photographs in the original report that should detail the road's alignment in 1938.

11 Ibid., 2-4.

12 Ibid., 2.

13 See Chapter 5 for more details on CCC work at Capitol Reef.

14 Harlan B. Stephenson, Resident Landscape Architect, "Monthly Narrative Report to Chief Architect," 25 April to 25 May 1938, File CR-000, Accession 79-60A-354, Box 1, RG 79. The road was eventually widened to only 13 feet in some places, with gravel placed on top of areas more prone to drainage problems. This file contains general reports and correspondence regarding CCC work in the monument. Also see File CR-630 for more details on roadwork, including maps and plans. Other CCC plans and working drawings can be found in Drawer 7, Folder 4, Capitol Reef National Park Archives.

15 Stanley, quoted in Preston Patraw, Zion Superintendent to NPS Director, 10 August 1938, File CR-207-02.3, Accession 79-60A-354, Box 1, RG 79.

16 Stephenson, "Monthly Report," 25 July to 25 August 1938, File CR-000, Ibid.

17 Ibid., 3 May to 25 May 1939.

18 Leon S. Stanley to Preston Patraw, Zion Superintendent, October and November 1938, File CR-207-023, Accession 79-60A-354, Box 1, RG 79.

19 "Monthly Reports," 25 October to 25 November and 25 November to 29 December 1939, File CR-000, Ibid.

20 See Capitol Reef archives for photos documenting CCC bridge construction.

21 George Brinkerhoff, Chairman, Wayne County Board of Commissioners, to Paul Franke, Zion Superintendent, File CR-630, Accession 79-60A-354, Box 1, RG 79. This portion of the road outside the monument eventually led to all of Section 26 being added to the monument by presidential proclamation in 1958. See Chapter 9.

22 Sam D. Hendricks, Assistant Engineer, to Regional Director, 21 April 1942, File CR-000, Ibid.

23 Franke to Regional Director, 8 February 1943, File CR-630, Ibid.

24 Partial letter and map from unknown source to M. C. Moffet, Assistant Engineer, State Road Commission, included in "Roads and Trails Estimates, FY 1952," File CR-630, Accession 79-60A-354, Box 2, RG 79.

25 Franke to Regional Director, 8 February 1943, Ibid.

26 Smith to Regional Director, 31 October 1947, Ibid.

27 Sam D. Hendricks to Superintendent Franke, 24 April 1939, File CR-630, Accession 79-60A-354, Box 2, RG 79.

28 Harlan Stephenson, "Monthly Report," 25 November to 29 December 1939, File CR-000, Accession 79-60A-354, Box 1, RG 79.

29 National Park Service Chief Counsel to Zion Superintendent, 18 January 1940, and other memoranda and letters found in File CR-612, Ibid, Box 2. Additional information provided by Richard A. Young, Chief, Division of Land Resources, Rocky Mountain Region, Administrative History draft review comments, 8 November 1994.

30 Joseph S. Dixon, "Special Report on Geology, Flora and Fauna of the Capitol Reef National Monument," 6 December 1939, Capitol Reef Box 1, Folder 5, Capitol Reef National Park Archives, 3.

31 Stephenson, "Monthly Report," 25 June to 25 July 1939, File CR-207.02, Accession 79-60A-354, Box 1, RG 79.

32 "Master Plan and Development Outline," January 1949, File CR-600-01, Accession 79-60A-354, Container 63180, Box 2, RG 79, Fire Protection Plan, rough draft, 1.

33 "Development Outline for Capitol Reef National Monument," 1 March 1938, Ibid., 3.

34 Stephenson, "Monthly Report," 25 August to 25 September 1938, File 207-02, Box 1, Ibid.

35 Kelly to Superintendent Smith, 5 December 1945, File CR-640, Box 3, Ibid.

36 Superintendent's Annual Report for 1951, Box 4, Folder 3, Capitol Reef National Park Archives. O'Bannon, "Capitol Reef National Park: Survey Report," June 1992, states that the Hickman Bridge Trail steps and retaining wall were built in 1940. This additional information shows that while the CCC built the first wall, it was substantially reconstructed in 1951 by the Zion trail crew.

In 1997, serious flooding along the Fremont River washed out a significant portion of this old wall and threatened the stability of the trail. As of January 1998, the wall is scheduled to be replaced once more by a mortared rock retaining wall. The remainder of this and other trails in the park were damaged by unusually heavy rains throughout 1997, and so were stabilized and rehabilitated by a Bryce Canyon trails crew in late 1997/early 1998 -- Ed.

37 Chester Thomas, Zion Asst. Superintendent, to Zion Superintendent, 21 August 1951, File CR-800, Accession 79-60A-354, Box 3, RG 79.

38 See Chapter 8.

39 "Roads and Trails Map," February 1949, Document #158-2101, National Park Service, Denver Service Center Technical Information Center, Denver (hereafter referred to as TIC).

40 See Chapter 9 for more details on the 1950s boundary revisions.

41 1949 Master Plan and Development Outline, 6.

42 "Boundary Status Report," 11 June 1951, File CR-600-01, Accession 79-60A-354, Box 2, RG 79. See also Chapters 6 and 7 on the debate over Pleasant Creek versus Fruita as the eventual headquarters location.

43 Patraw to Zion Superintendent, 25 November 1952, File 602, 79-60A-354, Box 2, RG 79.

44 Superintendent's Monthly Report, October 1956 - June 1957, Box 4, Folder 3, Capitol Reef National Park Archives. Documents pertaining to the right-of-way for this construction in 1955-56 can be found in file L3027-U24, Capitol Reef Historic Superintendent's Files.

45 Presidential Proclamation, "Enlarging The Capitol Reef National Monument, Utah," Proclamation #3249, 3 Code of Regulations 160 (1954-58 Compilation).

46 Ibid.

47 See Chapter 7 and Chapter 14 for more background on Mission 66 projects at Capitol Reef.

48 Superintendent Franke to Regional Director, 28 January 1958, File D30, Accession 79-67A-337, Container 919498, Box 1, RG 79.

49 Smith to Franke, 10 December 1956, Ibid.

50 Franke to District Engineer Smith, 12 December 1956, Ibid.

51 Ibid.

52 Miller to NPS Director, 21 December 1956, Ibid.

53 Conrad L. Wirth to Regional Director, 25 May 1957, Ibid.

54 Franke to Regional Director, 28 January 1958; Cooperative Agreement between State of Utah and U.S. Department of Interior, CA-1350-61-1, File A44, Capitol Reef Superintendent's Files.

55 See Chapter 7 for the debate over the routing of the highway. While other options, such as Pleasant Creek, were considered, the Fremont River route was always preferred by the National Park Service.

The route along the northern side of Sulphur Creek was chosen in order to separate park traffic from commercial traffic, with Sulphur Creek as the divider - "Master Plan, Design Analysis," draft, November 1959, RG 79, File D18, Accession 79-65A-580, Container SB202684, Box 1, RG 79.

56 Superintendent's Monthly Reports, 1960-1961, Box 4, Folder 5, Capitol Reef National Park Archives.

57 Superintendent's Monthly Reports, July 1961 to August 1962. These reports give a monthly accounting of work completed. There is no mention therein of any unusual difficulties or delays. Thus, it appears as if the road was constructed on schedule, with no significant problems.

58 Robert C. Heyder, former Superintendent, interview with Bradford Frye, 1 November 1993, Administrative History files and notes, Capitol Reef Unprocessed Archives. Heyder mentioned the constant truck traffic, and he particularly recalled the nightly sounds of loud air brakes from semi-trucks descending into Fruita from the west.

59 Golden Durfey, interview with Bradford Frye, 4 March 1992, tape and transcript on file, Capitol Reef National Park Archives, 35-36. Durfey ran an air-track during the road's construction and was responsible for "shooting the ledges down." According to Durfey it only took two weeks to make the road and river cuts through the cliff.

60 1961 Cooperative Agreement, CA-1350-61-1, 3. See Chapter 7 for an analysis of the closing of Capitol Gorge and its impact on park management. Also see Chapter 18 for a listing of Mission 66 related master plans and drawings, which show the proposed circulation changes as a result of the highway's construction.

61 Superintendent's Monthly Report, June 1966, Box 4, Folder 8, Capitol Reef National Park Archives.

62 Superintendent Robert C. Heyder to Regional Director, 7 November 1968, File D18, Accession 79-76E-1229, Box 9, RG 79.

63 "Mission 66: Tentative 1966 Prospectus," draft, November 1955, File A9815, Accession 79-67A-337, Container 919498, Box 1, RG 79. Charles Kelly had advocated a similar philosophy in 1948 - see File CR-640, Accession 79-60A-354, Container 63181, Box 3, RG 79.

64 "Mission 66 Prospectus," 17 April 1956, File A9815, 79-67A-337, RG 79, 12.

65 Ibid., 17.

66 According to Monthly Report, March 1958, Box 4, Folder 3, Capitol Reef National Park Archives, the Cassidy Arch trail was rerouted in the spring of 1958, but little actual trail work was completed.

67 "Mission 66 Prospectus, Development Outline," 30 June 1958, File CR-640, Accession 79-60A-354, Box 3, RG 79, 17.

68 "Park Development Outline," 16 May 1960. Ibid.

69 Krueger to Regional Director, 16 November 1960 and 6 December 1960, File 3415, Accession 79-67A-505, Container 342490, Box 1, RG 79.

70 "Master Plan, Capitol Reef National Park," Roads and Trails Drawing NM-CR-2301-H, Sheets 1-3, August 1962-October 1964, TIC.

71 Superintendent's Monthly Report, July 1966, Box 4, Folder 8, Capitol Reef National Park Archives.

72 Ibid., October 1966. The Fremont River trail was partially paved in the 1980s to make it handicap accessible.

73 "Proposed Wilderness, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah," Draft Environmental Statement, National Park Service, Denver Service Center, June 1974, Capitol Reef Superintendent's Files, Figure 4.

74 Bert L. Speed, "Briefing Statement on Area Problems: Road Maintenance," 28 December 1971, File A6435, Accession 79-73A-136, Box 1, RG 79.

75 Garn Jeffery, interview with Keith Durfey, 10 September 1994. The continual maintenance of these roads has enabled Wayne and Garfield Counties to acquire a BLM-acknowledged right-of-way through the provisions of FLPMA.

76 Ibid.

77 Ward Roylance, "Four Roads Lead to Cathedral Valley's Great Monoliths," 3. It is interesting to note that while the Caineville Wash road is shown all the way past lower Cathedral Valley on the 1954 15- minute Fruita quad map, the Hartnet road is not even indicated.

78 Guy Pace, interview with Keith Durfey, 19 September 1994; "Natural Resource Development Inventory As Affected by Senator's Moss's Bill S-531," File Phase-Out #1, Capitol Reef Resource Management Files.

79 The South Desert mining road information was provided by Guy Pace, interview with Keith Durfey, 19 September 1994.

80 See Chapter 10.

81 Guy Pace, Testimony before House, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, Subcommittee on Public Lands, Withdrawal of Public Lands by Presidential Proclamation of the Expansion of Capitol Reef National Monument and H.R. 17152 and S.531, 91st Cong., 2nd sess., 1970, 8.

82 "Environmental Statement, Capitol Reef National Park," Draft, 25 May 1971, File H1415-Legislative Histories. Capitol Reef Historic Superintendent's Files.

83 "Environmental Statement, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah," Final (n.d.- circa summer 1971) Box 2, Folder 2, Capitol Reef National Park Archives.

84 House, Joint Statement of the Committee of Conference, 92nd Congress, 1st sess., Report 92-685, 30 November 1971, 5. Photocopy in Box 2, Folder 1, Capitol Reef National Park Archives.

85 Nathaniel P. Reed, Assistant Secretary of the Interior, to George P. Shultz, Director, Office of Management and Budget, 14 December 1971, Box 2, Folder 1, Capitol Reef National Park Archives.

86 Public Law 92-207, U.S. Statutes at Large, 85 (1971):740.

87 The specific records of the other National Park Service areas mentioned here have not been consulted, but very likely contain memoranda concerning this transportation study. Road proposals not immediately within Capitol Reef National Park will not be addressed in this section.

88 "Task Directive, General Management Plan," approved by Regional Director 4 June 1980, Capitol Reef Superintendent's Files, 2; Environmental Associates, Inc., "Transportation Study for Arches, Canyonlands and Capitol Reef National Parks," (n.d. - circa December 1973), Document #158-D-1, TIC. The 1973 master plan is Document #158-D-9, TIC.

89 "Transportation Study," 1-2.

90 Ibid., 27-28.

91 Ibid., 37-38.

92 "Capitol Reef National Park Master Plan," December 1973, 26-28, 39-42.

93 P.L. 92-207, U.S. Statutes, 85 (1971):740.

94 "Wilderness Recommendation: Capitol Reef National Park, Utah," November 1974, United States Department of Interior, National Park Service, Capitol Reef Superintendent and Resource Management Files, 29.

95 Glen Canyon's legislation is P.L. 92-593, 92nd Congress, 2nd session, 27 October 1972. In 1983 Superintendent Derek Hambly made a foot reconnaissance of a proposed vehicle route down Lower Muley Twist Canyon, which was considered a possible alternative to paving the Burr Trail. He also rejected the practicality of constructing a road through the canyon - see Hambly to Assistant to Regional Director, Utah, 2 March 1983, File D30, Capitol Reef Historic Superintendent's Files.

96 This policy is mentioned in the park's "Statement for Management" and was substantiated in interviews with Superintendent Charles V. Lundy and former Chief of Interpretation and Visitor Protection Richard Nolan. Former Chief of Resource Management & Science Norman Henderson provided information on the 1984 NPS wilderness revisions. According to Henderson, in draft review comments dated 13 December 1994, no action has been formally taken on any wilderness proposals for Capitol Reef National Park. Also see Chapter 7, Planning Documents, for more information on the various wilderness proposals and their fate.

97 See Chapter 12 for more details.

98 See "Task Directive, General Management Plan," 4 June 1980, 2-8.

99 "Final Environmental Impact Statement, General Management Plan, Statement of Findings: Capitol Reef National Park, Utah" (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1983), Capitol Reef Superintendent's Files (hereafter referred to as 1982 General Management Plan).

100 Ibid., 37.

101 Ibid.

102 1982 General Management Plan, 77-78.

103 Ibid., 78-79.

104 Ibid., 31.

105 Ibid., 78-79.

106 Ibid., 34-35.

107 1982 General Management Plan, 34.

108 Ibid., 78.

109 The new road follows along the old Oak Creek stock driveway and was built circa 1984. See Superintendent Hambly to Charles W. Oliphant, 8 November 1983, File L3027, Capitol Reef Superintendent's Files.

110 Frye, "Comparison of Sections," 9 April 1992, draft prepared for National Park Service, Rocky Mountain Region; "Environmental Assessment for Road Improvement Alternatives: Boulder-to-Bullfrog (Burr Trail)" (U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service and Bureau of Land Management, March 1993), 62-64.

111 Ranchers' depositions as part of U.S. District Court records, Sierra Club v. Hodel, Civil No. 87C-0120-A, 1987. Also see pictures of livestock drives and trail in Lenora LeFevre, Boulder Country and Its People (Springville Utah: Art City Publishing, 1973), 252-253. More information on historic grazing in the southern Waterpocket Fold is found in Chapter 12.

112 LeFevre, Boulder Country, 249-250.

113 LeFevre, 251.

114 Garfield County First Finding of Fact, Sierra Club v. Hodel, 7; see Wagon Box Mesa 15-minute quad map, USGS, 1953 (aerial photos taken 1952).

115 Official Garfield County Road Map, compiled by John Clark, 1938, posted in Garfield County Recorder's Office, Panguitch, Utah.

116 See Bradford Frye, "The Boulder-Bullfrog Road: A History," March 1992, draft prepared for National Park Service, Rocky Mountain Region, 5-14, for descriptions of other routes. The lack of any trails west of Burr Trail switchbacks is exhibited on the supplement map to Charles B. Hunt, Geology and Geography of the Henry Mountains Region Utah, Geological Survey Professional Paper 228 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1953). This work is based on 1935-39 geological surveys.

117 Garfield County General Highway Map, 1951, on file with Utah State Historical Society Map Library, Salt Lake City, Utah; also see Steep Creek, Lampstand, and King Bench 7.5-minute quads, USGS, 1964 and Wagon Box Mesa 15-minute quad, USGS, 1953.

118 Garfield County's First Finding of Fact, Sierra v. Hodel, 11

119 Golden Durfey, Notom rancher since 1910, interview with Bradford Frye, 27 March 1992, notes on file in Burr Trail history notes, Capitol Reef Unprocessed Archives; Nethela Woolsey, "History of the Burr Trail Road," unpublished, undated typescript copy on file at BLM Escalante Resource Office, Escalante, Utah - photocopy in Burr Trail history notes.

120 Ibid.; also see Bitter Creek Divide and Wagon Box Mesa, 7.5-minute quads.

121 The assumption that the trail was in the bottom of the wash is based on 1908 and other dated inscriptions in the wash bottom, plus what looks like an old livestock trail that goes around a small dryfall. The rest of the wash presents no obstacles to travel by livestock, but is too narrow for a wagon or truck.

122 Golden Durfey, interview with Bradford Frye, January 1992, tape and transcript on file, Capitol Reef National Park Archives; Lenard Brown, The Baker Ranch: A History (Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, 1970), 30.

123 Hunt, Geology of Henry Mountains, supplemental map.

124 Map of Henry Mountain and Boulder Unit, Utah Grazing District No. 5, 11 September 1939, on file in Utah State Historical Society Map Library.

125 Frye, "Boulder-Bullfrog Road," 5-15.

126 Woolsey, "History of the Burr Trail," 2.

127 Wagon Box Mesa 15-minute quad; Rainy Mine road-building information from Golden Durfey, interview with Bradford Frye, 27 March 1992.

128 Ted Christensen, 1967 project engineer, telephone interview with Bradford Frye, 28 March 1992, notes on file in Burr Trail history notes.

129 Frye, "Boulder-Bullfrog," 16-20; also see LeFevre 254 and Woolsey, 1-2.

130 Ted Christensen, telephone interview with Bradford Frye, 28 March 1992. Other information obtained from Brian Bremner, Garfield County engineer, interview with Bradford Frye, 10 March 1992, Burr Trail history notes.

131 Cooperative Agreement dated 10 May 1967, part of Project No. EDA 08-1-00125 Records, Garfield County Engineer Files, Panguitch, Utah.

132 Hunt, supplemental map; Wagon Box Mesa and Mt. Pennell 15-minute quads, USGS, 1953; Wagon Box Mesa and The Post 7.5-minute quads, USGS, 1987.

133 Christensen interview; also see Stratton Section documents, Garfield County Engineer's Files, Panguitch, Utah.

134 Hamilton, "Dedication Ceremonies," 16 August 1968, Stratton Section Records, Garfield County Engineer's Files, 1.

135 See "Environmental Assessment for Boulder-to-Bullfrog Road," March 1993, 5-9, for a summary of the legal issues. Another excellent source of information is the collection of Burr Trail-related press clippings, Box 8, Folder 6-12, Capitol Reef National Park Archives.

136 For an example of the continual differences between the state and NPS proposals, see Environmental Associates, "Transportation Study: Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef National Parks, Utah," 1973, 26-38 and "Environmental Assessment for Road Improvement Alternatives, Boulder-to-Bullfrog (Burr Trail)," 1993, 25-35.

137 1973 Transportation Study, 32. For more information regarding the National Park Service role, see James M. Eden, Assistant Regional Director to Regional Director, 6 October 1969, File A2623-0, Accession 79-73A-136, Container 790695, Box 1, RG 79.

138 Garfield County's First Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, Sierra Club v. Hodel, Civil No. 87C-0120-A, 14-16.

139 "Task Directive, General Management Plan," approved by Regional Director Lorraine Mintzmyer, 4 June 1980, 7.

140 Capitol Reef 1982 General Management Plan, 28.

141 Salt LakeTribune, 17 August 1983. According to a follow-up article in the (Salt Lake City) Deseret News, 14-15 June 1984, this study was approved by the Senate but killed in joint conference with the House.

142 Ibid.; see Box 8, Folder 6 for press clippings for 1983-84.

143 Creamer and Noble, Boulder-Bullfrog Scenic Road, funded by State of Utah and Five County Association of Governments, May 1984.

144 Deseret News, 21-22 June, 1984.

145 See references throughout "Creamer and Noble Report."

146 Deseret News, 14-15 June 1984.

147 Salt Lake Tribune, 3 August 1984.

148 See 1984-85 newspaper articles, Box 8, Folder 6-7, Capitol Reef National Park Archives.

149 1993 Environmental Assessment, 5.

150 Daily Spectrum, 24 May 1985.

151 Deseret News, 3-4 October 1985.

152 Daily Spectrum and Salt Lake Tribune, 7 November 1985; 1985 Annual Superintendent's Report, File A2621, Capitol Reef Superintendent's Files.

153 Ibid.; Daily Spectrum, 17 November 1985.

154 Deseret News, 14 December 1985. According to the 1993 environmental assessment, the money was later reallocated to NPS units in Utah for other projects by the FY 1993 Interior Appropriations Bill.

155 1986 and 1987 Annual Superintendent's Reports, File A2621, Capitol Reef Superintendent's Files.

156 Salt Lake Tribune, 29 January 1987; Deseret News, 18-19 February 1987.

157 See 1993 Environmental Assessment, 5-8.

158 Salt Lake Tribune, 5 January 1988.

159 Bangerter to Rouse, 9 October 1987, L1425, Capitol Reef Historic Superintendent's Files.

160 Terri Martin, quoted in Salt Lake Tribune, 22 January 1988.

161 Charles V. Lundy, Capitol Reef Superintendent, telephone interview with Bradford Frye, 29 July 1994, tape on file in Administrative History files and notes, Capitol Reef Unprocessed Archives.

162 Ibid.; 1993 Environmental Assessment, 8.

163 Thomas V. Hatch, Chairman Garfield County Commission, to Superintendent Charles V. Lundy, 28 January 1991, File L3027-Burr Trail, Capitol Reef Superintendent's Files. Lundy, recently transferred from Grand Canyon, had been at Capitol Reef for just three weeks when this letter arrived.

164 1993 Environmental Assessment, 1.

165 Ibid., 25-31.

166 Ibid., 32-34.

167 Lundy, telephone interview with Bradford Frye, 29 July 1994.

168 Ibid.

169 "Proposed Rule: 43 CFR Part 39, Revised Statute 2477 Rights-of-Way," Office of the Secretary of the Interior, 14 March 1994, 1 (hereafter referred to as 1994 Proposed Rule Change).

170 Ibid., 8-10.

171 Ibid., 1.

172 Ibid.

173 Garfield County First Proposed Finding of Fact, Sierra v. Hodel.

174 Plaintiffs Cross Motion for Summary Judgment, Sierra v. Hodel, 34-39.

175 Summary Judgment, Sierra v. Hodel; also see 1993 Environmental Assessment, Boulder-to-Bullfrog (Burr Trail)," March 1993, 8-9.

176 1993 Environmental Assessment, 8; also see Intermountain Solicitor to Regional Director, 17 June 1988, L3027-Burr Trail, Capitol Reef Superintendent's Files. It should be noted that the solicitor's interpretation of the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling is disputed by environmental organizations, who maintain that the right-of-way was granted only for Section #1 - from Boulder to the western park boundary.

177 Solicitor to Regional Director, 17 June 1988.

178 1994 Proposed Rule Change, 7-8.

179 Regulation 2-263, BLM Manual, 8 March 1989, Appendix 3, Page 2 - photocopy in File L3027-Burr Trail, Capitol Reef Superintendent's Files.

180 1994 Proposed Rule Change, 4-5.

181 Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, Giving the Land a Voice, Vol. 8, No. 4, Winter 1991-92, 10.

182 1994 Proposed Rule Change, 3-4.

183 Ibid., 11.

184 Ibid., 8-24.

185 This section will address only power and telephone lines, as they require rights-of-way. Water system utilities are briefly discussed in Chapter 2, Water Rights.

186 "Development Outline for Capitol Reef National Monument," 1 March 1938, File CR-600-01, Accession 79-60A-354, Container 63180, Box 2, RG 79, 2. According to this document, the line existed "from Torrey through Fruita and Capitol Gorge to Notom, Caineville and Hanksville." According to Anne Snow's Rainbow Views, the line was attached to the Torrey-Grover line sometime during the 1910s. (4th ed., 89.)

187 "Development Outline," 1943, Ibid., 5.

188 Custodian Charles Kelly to Zion Superintendent Charles Smith, 25 August 1945, File CR-800-02, Box 3, Ibid. The unsigned petition was passed on to Superintendent Smith in July 1946.

189 Chester A. Thomas, Assistant Superintendent, to Zion Superintendent, 24 September 1947, File CR-660-01, Ibid.

190 Kelly to Superintendent Smith, (?) August 1946, Ibid.

191 Smith to Lester Spencer, Manager, Garkane, 26 November 1947, Ibid.

192 Smith to Spencer, 12 May 1948, Ibid.

193 Smith to Spencer, 10 June 1948, Ibid,; Special-Use Permit # I-45np-44, File L3031-Garkane-70s, Capitol Reef Superintendent's Files.

194 Franke to Superintendent William T. Krueger, File L3031-Garkane 70s, Capitol Reef Superintendent's Files.

195 Franke to Reed Burr, Manager, Garkane, 22 April 1959 and Franke to Regional Director, 29 May 1959, Ibid.

196 Franke to Burr, 22 April 1959.

197 Special-Use Permit Capitol Reef 2-59, File L3031-Garkane 70s.

198 Superintendent's Monthly Report, December 1959, Box 4, Folder 3, Capitol Reef National Park Archives.

199 Golden Durfey, interview with Bradford Frye, 5 February 1992, Capitol Reef National Park Archives, 36-37.

200 Monthly Report, February 1960, Box 4, Folder 5, Capitol Reef National Park Archives.

201 Krueger to Regional Director, 4 April 1960, File L3031.

202 Monthly Report, December 1961, Box 4, Folder 5.

203 Ibid., March 1962.

204 See File D5027, Accession 79-65A-580, Container SB202684, Box 1, RG 79.

205 Decision regarding Garkane Power Association Right-of-Way, 4 October 1964; Glen Willardson, General Manager, Garkane, to Phillip R. Iverson, National Park Service State Director, 10 September 1972, File L3031-Garkane 70s, Capitol Reef Superintendent's Files.

206 Grant # U-2902, 16 October 1967, File L3031-Knee, Capitol Reef Superintendent's Files.

207 P. L. 92-207, U.S. Statutes at Large, 85 (1971): 739.

208 Nathaniel P. Reed, Assistant Secretary of Interior, to George P. Shultz, Director, Office of Management and Budget, 14 December 1971, Box 2, Folder 1, Capitol Reef National Park Archives; also see Reed to Representative Wayne N. Aspinall, Chairman, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, 4 June 1971, Ibid.

209 Wallace to NPS Director, 24 September 1969, L3031-Garkane 70s, Capitol Reef Superintendent's Files.

210 Ibid. There is no evidence that an archeological survey was completed as part of this evaluation.

211 Wallace to Regional Director, 5 March 1974, File L3031-Garkane 70s.

212 William Glover for Donald A. Purse, Team Manager, Denver Service Center to Regional Director, 22 January 1975, Ibid..

213 Summary of Interagency Meeting, 30 August 1974, Ibid.

214 James L. Isenogle, Utah State Coordinator, to Regional Director, 13 August 1975, File L24-Encroachments, Capitol Reef Historic Superintendent's Files.

215 Wallace to Willardson, General Manager, Garkane, 14 January 1976, File L3031-Garkane 70s, Capitol Reef Superintendent's Files.

216 Summary of information found in John F. Chapman, Associate Regional Director, to Deputy Regional Director, 7 July 1986, File L3031.

217 Hambly to Regional Director, 30 July 1979, File L3031.

218 Thompson to Hambly, 19 September 1980, Box 3, Folder 1, Capitol Reef National Park Archives.

219 1982 General Management Plan, 5.

220 John L. Chapman, Associate Regional Director, to Deputy Regional Director, 7 July 1986, L3031-Garkane 80s; 1986 Annual Superintendent's Report, File A2621, Capitol Reef Superintendent's Files.

221 Norman Henderson, former Chief of Resource Management and Science, to Marcy Culpin, 13 December 1994, review draft comments, Administrative History files and notes, 22.

222 Department of the Interior, FY 1988 Interior Appropriations Bill, Effect of House and Senate Action, File L3031-Garkane 80s.

223 1987 Annual Superintendent's Report, File A2621.

224 Superintendent Charles V. Lundy to Associate Regional Director, 9 July 1992, Ibid; 1990 and 1992 Superintendent's Annual Reports, File A2621, Capitol Reef Superintendent's Files.

225 Homer L. Rouse, Associate Regional Director, to Superintendent Lundy, 1 August 1992; Review of EA for Construction of Power Line, File L3031-Garkane 90s; 1992 Superintendent's Annual Narrative Report, File A2621, Capitol Reef Superintendent's Files.

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