Historic Structures Report
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Cabrillo National Monument was established in 1913 to commemorate the voyage of exploration of Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo along the coast of the Californias in 1542. At that time, the monument consisted of one-half acre around the Old Point Loma Lighthouse. In 1958 and 1974, presidential proclamations expanded the monument through the addition of excess U.S. Navy land. The monument now consists of 143 acres. With each expansion, historic military structures, remnants of the coastal defense system operated by the U.S. Army at Fort Rosecrans on Point Loma, were added to the park. These structures are becoming increasingly significant as examples of the technological development of weapons systems, and as World War II fades into history. The military structures are listed as contributing elements on the nomination of Cabrillo National Monument to the National Register of Historic Places. There are currently 21 military structures on the List of Classified Structures for Cabrillo National Monument. This study concerns itself with nineteen of these structures.


The purpose of this report is to provide the monument's management and staff with the architectural information needed to implement a long-range program to restore, rehabilitate, preserve and/or stabilize these structures to achieve the park's mission and long-term goals.

The following are included in this report:

  • A general history of the site, including period of significance.

  • Descriptions of each of the structures, including material, configuration and condition.

  • Material and structure specific recommendations for repair, taking into consideration the treatment goals established by the NPS.

  • Maps, drawings, photographs and other graphic materials to assist in understanding the structures.

  • Structural evaluation and recommendations.

  • A cost estimate for the repair recommendations.


An on-site inspection of the interior and exterior of the structures was conducted by Carey & Co. and EQE staff during November, 1998. Typical conditions and isolated deterioration problems were noted. The findings of the conditions survey together with historical research were used in generating the evaluations and recommendations that follow.

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Last Updated: 06-Apr-2005