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Selected Constitutional Decisions

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First Bank of the United States

Pittsylvania County Courthouse

Second Bank of the United States

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Supreme Court Building

The U.S. Constitution
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(137) Bacon House, 1801 F. Street, Washington, DC—The Bacon House was examined because of its association with Chief Justices John Marshall and Melville W. Fuller. John Marshall and the other members of the Marshall Court boarded here between 1831 and 1833. Melville Fuller lived in the Bacon House between 1896 and 1910. The Bacon House is also associated with William Thomas Carroll, clerk of the Supreme Court, from 1835 to 1876. The Bacon House has undergone a series of modifications and changes since it was constructed in 1825 by Tench Ringgold. As a result of these changes, and especially the 1911 restoration completed by Jules Henri de Sibour, the Bacon House does not retain sufficient integrity to qualify it as a National Historic Landmark with respect to its association with either John Marshall or Melville Fuller.

(138) Blennerhassett Island, in Ohio River between Ohio and West Virginia—Blennerhassett Island is the site of the Aaron Burr conspiracy in 1806. Aaron Burr and Harman Blennerhassett used the island to stage a private military operation down the Mississippi for private gain. Burr was charged with treason for his role in this conspiracy and brought to trial in federal circuit court in Richmond, Va., where John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States, presided. Burr was eventually acquitted for the case against him did not meet the terms of the Constitution's definition of treason. The island has shifted in the years since 1806 and has no integrity.



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