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Field Division of Education
The Geology of Rocky Mountain National Park
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This paper, the Geology of Rocky Mountain National Park is one of several prepared by a special research group employed under the Civil Works Program of 1933-34, by the Field Division of Education, National Park Service, Berkeley, California. Its purpose is to satisfy specialized needs existing in the National Park Service and it must not, therefore, be judged or regarded as a complete statement of the subject with which it deals.

The objective of this paper is the compilation of much pertinent information as will be helpful in the preparation of geological museum exhibits at Rocky Mountain National Park, and more specifically to outline the story to be interpreted by such exhibits. It is thus designed to aid museum preparators and Park Naturalists. For this reason the author has stressed what he considers the major geological features connected with the park and the generalized geology of the area surrounding it. Consequently, some readers may be disappointed in the paper, because of the limited scope; or may discover the omission of certain features which were not considered significant in the interpretation of the landscape. Nevertheless, such interest has been manifested in the group of research papers, of which this is a part, that it seems worth while to make some of them available in mimeographed form. Not the least valuable feature of the paper should be its bibliography.

The format of the paper has been slightly modified from customary scholarly standards in order to save time and expense in mimeographing. Footnotes have been virtually eliminated and citations and comments are included in parentheses in the body of the text.

This bulletin produced with assistance of personnel provided through SERA.

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