American Indian Tribal Affiliation Study
  Phase I: Ethnohistoric Literature Review

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Appendix 7:
Archeological Sites with Radiocarbon Dates, Rock Art, Arrow Points, or Sherds Post-Dating A.D. 1200
Site No.  Site Name(s) Radiocarbon Dates/ Features Rock Art Perdiz Toyah Harrell Garza Fresno Infierno Misc. Arrow points Other Diagnostic(s)  Comments
41CX5 Dunlap 670B.P. +/- 80, 630+/-90, 540+/-100; ash pit; slab lined basin X dart points
41CX8 Sotol 400B.P.+/-60, 370 +/-60 x x x x Sherd
41CX121 410B.P. +/-60
41CX125 BRM; 520B.P. +/-  69
41CX126 Hearth; 620B.P. +/-  60
41CX131 290+/-60, 290B.P. +/-50, 170B.P. +/-50
41CX136 400B.P. +/-60
41CX162 Sotol Site 489B.P. +/-70, hearth
41CX209 metal arrow point
41CX216 520B.P. +/-60, 730B.P. +/-60, 520B.P. +/-50; BRM x
41CX217 660B.P. +/-60, BRM dart points
41CX273 Howard's Well 1872 Battle of Kiowa against military wagons
41CX774 Howard's Stage Depot  Standing walls Dates to 1870s
41CX781 x Dorso Scraper
41CX825 Tipi ring
41ED10 4 BRM Sherds
41ED54 Lithic scatter; shelter 1 misc. sherd; dart points
41ED145 Lithic scatter Sabinal
41KY16 Lithic scatter daub, bottle possible Seminole Maroon camp
41KY17 Lithics possible Seminole Maroon camp
41KY18 possible Seminole Maroon farm
41KY19 Cemetery Seminole Scout Cemetery, 1872-present
41KY68 Historic house foundation, chimney glass, chert Seminole House site
41KY69 Ditch Probable Seminole ditch
41KY72 lithics, mussel shell Probable Seminole site
41KY73 Lithic scatter x x dart points
41KY74 Lithic scatter x dart points
41KY133 Brooks Cemetery 1880-1930 Cemetery
Coahuila El Caido Plains like rock art
?? South Kickapoo Springs 1873 battle between 4th Cavalry and Comanche/ Kickapoo
NL92 Cuevade la Zona de Derrumbres Shelter x x x Starr, Soto, Talco, 3 misc.
NL103 La Calsada Shelter x x Misc.; Starr
41TE9 Meyers Spring horses, weapons, horned headress figures
41TE10 Pictograph one figure, may be horse
41TE61 740B.P. +/-90, 640B.P. +/- 90; 490B.P. +/-60, 450 +/-90, 390 +/-60, 360+/-80, 300 +/-60; hearth
41TE97 Shelter 1 Liver-more
41TE119 Shelter & ring midden Pottery
41TE138 8-10 stone rings x
41TE147 1 stone ring dart points
41TE307 Wroe Ranch 630B.P. +/-110, 570B.P. +/-70 Burial
41TE165 1 limestone ring x
41TE320 2 BRM ?
41TE330 Jackson's site #59 Plains petroglyphs (tipis, travel signs, arrows, bison, humans, horse tracks; possible guns)
41TE374 3 BRM, hearths x dart points
41TE530 BRM 1 Bonham dart points
41TE540 1 Sabinal dart points
41TE549 BRM 1 Bonham dart points
41TE550 BRM 1 Sabinal dart points
41TE581 Stone ring
41VV7 Castle Canyon, Painted Cave Rockshetlers w/ midden Pictographs (horses, mission, riders) x x x
mission, riders
41VV8 open midden, 2 caves x
41VV9 midden sherd
41VV11 Javalina Bluff BRM, open scatter x Bonham 12 sherds (Leon Plain)
41VV18 Jackson site 99 Possible historic Indian pictograph 
41VV21 BRM x x
41VV31 Shelter, talus x
41VV34 open scatter x
41VV44 BRM x
41VV46 BRM, open scatter x
41VV54 Rockshelter x dart points
41VV72 Seminole Waterhole Bow & arrow; Red Monochrome figures; feather headresses
41VV77 Vaquero shelter; Jackson's site 89 overhang Historic Rock Art (site form calls it Apache) w/ mission & 3 crosses
Jackson site 89
41VV78 & 573 Painted Canyon BRM, overhang People with bows & arrows in Red Monochrome style
& 573
41VV82 Coontail Spin Shelter; 600B.P. +/-190 Sherds
41VV87 Perry Calk 690B.P. +/-50, 590B.P. +/-60; shelter x X Cliffton dart points
41VV99 Arenosa A.D. 619-673, shelter Stratum 2A x x x x Cliffton
41VV107 Shelter with midden x
41VV109 Javalina Cave Shelter x
41VV113 Shumla Cave Shelter x
41VV142 rockshelter x
41VV169 Live Oak Hole Man on horse, Man w/ hair, bison [Turpin dates rock art to 1700-1775] see VV827, 828, 844
41VV180/ 205 Rattlesnake Canyon/Miss-ionary Shelter canyon wall Mission like figures, one w/ arrow piercing him, crosses, horse
41VV187 Parida Cave x
41VV188 Devil's Mouth x x Sherds (thin sections done)
thin sections done
41VV189 Damp Cave Shelter x
41VV191 Centipede Cave A.D. 1043-1270 x x Bonham, Cliffton dart points
41VV202 ` Bison pictograph
41VV211 Pictographs, no description, but site form says "historic Indian" 
41VV215 Mosquito Cave x X
41VV216 Zopilote Cave X Livermore
41VV226 Caballo shelter Horse pictograph; galloping; has bridle & reins, no saddle
no saddle
41VV233 Lewis Canyon Red Monochrome Guerrero "Discrete Geometric glyphs" are considered Late Prehistoric per Turpin & Bass (1999:4)
41VV257 Hodge 710B.P. +/-80
41VV259 Langtry Sotol Pit x
41VV260 Cammack Sotol 625B.P. +/-185; BRM; burial x x Cliffton, Soto, misc. Radiocarbon assay was taken from burial
41VV264 Devil's Rockshelter x
41VV301 Nopal Terrace x
41VV327 Hussie Miers  Indian on horse; Spanish figure w/ musket
41VV328 Hussie Miers Ranch Several horses w/ mounted figures w/ Plains style headgear
Ranch gear
41VV339 Horseshoes, horsemen impaled by speers; horses have Spanish ring bits
41VV343 Caballero Shelter Church & horse carrying man w/ hat across from 41VV869, and near 41VV485
41VV347 BRM x
41VV364 3 cairns; above Black cave; one cairn excavated x x Scallorn Dart points
41VV365 Black Cave Camp Beveled end scrapers, beveled knives, prismatic blades Sherds near 41VV446
41VV366 One cairn overlooking Presa Canyon Almagre
41VV367 Shelter, carins x
41VV369 Stone ring above Presa Canyon
41VV374 Two cairns
41VV398 Cairn, stone ring, beveled end scraper Infierno
41VV401 Rock wall, dry-laid
41VV402 Lithic scatter  x Dart points
41VV403 rock circle & 5 cairns likely same site as 41VV404
41VV404 1 stone ring
41VV405 Gunflint of native origin
41VV407 Stone rings & cairns Langtry, Frio
41VV409 Two stone rings x
41VV411 Stone ring, 2-3 course high
41VV412 Stone hearths/stone alignments?
41VV413 Stone hearths/stone alignments?
41VV422 Techo Bajo 740B.P. +/-60 Dart points
41VV423 x
41VV424 Word's #1; Baker's Crossing x Sherds of clay pipe; two other sherds also Camp Hudson established near here in 1857; pipe sherds are of native manufacture
41VV428 Stone circle
41VV433 x
41VV444 San Felipe Springs x Cliffton Sherds; Dorso End scrapers Location of Camp San Felipe 1857-1861; Camp del rio 1876-1896
41VV446 Infierno Camp 140+ features; 124 wickiup rings; 7 tipi rings; blade reduction, little burned rock x x Sherds
41VV448 x
41VV449 Stone Ring
41VV450 Cairns, two rings Scallorn
41VV485 Dolan Springs Pictograph w/ bison and man w/ musket Metal arrow point Near 41VV343
41VV537 x
41VV544 Old Saloon Ruins Artifact scatter with prehistoric & historic materials, including brass trigger guard, beveled end scrapers x in Seminole Canyon
41VV570 Malone Ranch Mission petrograph
41VV597 Possible rings & cairns, BRM x thumb-nail scrapers
41VV600 Eight cairns, one ring
41VV607 Four rings
41VV613 ` Four possible rings, BRM dart points
41VV620 Seminole Sink Radiocarbon from cremation 390B.P. +/- 80; other radiocarbon - 470 +/-150; cremation, burials
41VV627 BRM, one ring, one possible cairn
41VV632 two rings; 2 stone alignments dart points
41VV635 Six rings x x x
41VV649 Six rings x
41VV655 Two rings
41VV661 AD 1290 (660+50 b.p.) x X One sherd
41VV662 Brite Terrace Hearths, 660+/-50 B.P.  x Sherds
41VV665 x
41VV666 Bailando Shelter Rock art with "early Plains" style; also has Red Monochrome figures
41VV736 Buck King Cave x x x In Satan's Canyon
41VV773 One ring
41VV778 Two rings
41VV792 One cairn
41VV795 Dweese's Crossing or Vega Old river crossing of Rio Grande; wagon ruts
41VV821 One ring, BRM dart points
41VV827 2 stone circles, BRM  Ensor
41VV828 Live Oak Creek BRM, 4 tipi rings Guerrero, Sabinal 1 sherd, bifaces, Dorso end scraper; dart points near Hussie Miers site,  near waterhole
41VV841  5 burned rock middens; 5 BRM; 2 hearths x possible gun flint, dart points in Seminole Canyon, also has Archaic material
41VV844 Robertson Camp Stone features, disturbed x dart points
41VV869 Dolan Creek BRM misc. arrow points Sherd, 4 arrow points, 13 dorso end scrapers, dart points
41VV880 Dolan Creek Stone ring (possible tipi ring with central hearth or US Calvary tent remains), BRM  Caballero pictograph site Military buttons & other historic materials, possible gunflint Turpin & Davis (1993: 12) assign this to the 1857 battle at Snake Springs, base of Yellow Bluff
41VV910 Historic pictograph Site form does not describe the pictograph
41VV915 Shelter Pecos River rock art x dart points
41VV930 Skyline Shelter Shelter x x dart points
41VV1043 x
41VV1088 Shield Shelter Pictograph: circle with ca. 30 crescents & wavy lines, Turpin and Davis (1993:11) believe this a Plains Indian type of symbol of horseshoes within a corral or moons enclosed in the sun, ca. 1700-1885
41VV1124 One cairn
41VV1131 One ring; hearth
41VV1160 One cairn
41VV1165 BRM x dart points
41VV1207 x
41VV1217 x dart points
41VV1274 3 stone circles, BRM dart points near Pecos high bridge
41VV1277 3 long piles of rock curving out from canyon rim, end scrapers
41VV1288 2 (possibly 3) stone rings on bed rock, 3 m. diameter x
41VV1312 ` 3 BRM x x
41VV1366 1 Dorso end scraper, BRM, hearth
41VV1406 Shelter x
41VV1428 Lt. Bullis trail used in 1875 w/ Seminole
41VV1457 Shelter x
41VV1651 Possible army camp near Bullis Trail, 2 linear rock features (possible tent outlines), 2 mortar holes lithics, mussel fragments, historic ceramics, ca. 1875
41VV1697 Hearths x dart points
41VV1723 Tipi & Wickiup rings (several hundred); mortar holes; hearths Sherds
41VV1724 Tipi & Wickiup rings (several hundred); mortar holes; hearths
41VV1778 Alternatively beveled knife, BRM dart points
41VV1781 x (?)  dart points
41VV1794 Shelter Rock art (no style) x
41VV1800 Cairn 3 m long & 1 m wide
41VV1812 Rock alignment
41VV1818 4 cairns Sabinal, Guerrero (?) Dart points, blades, mussel shell, awls, thumbnail scrapers near 41VV1800
41VV1860 Possible rock circle
41VV1875 Possible wickiup, 3 hearths
41VV1876 Possible rock alignment
41VV1881 2 possible wickiups, 5 hearths
41VV1884 Possible wickiup
41VV1889 Wickiups, 25 hearths
x = present
BRM = burned rock midden

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Last Updated: 24-Apr-2007