Wildlife Management in the National Parks
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National Park Service Pledge of Public Service

To the people of the United States, the owners of our Nation's parklands, we pledge:

To PROTECT man's right to exult in the presence of superlative wildness and scenic grandeur

To COMMUNICATE to all an understanding of the people and events that shaped these United States

To PROVIDE, in the recreational areas, opportunities for varied outdoor recreation of a quality in keeping with exceptional natural and historical values

To MAKE the beauty and the history of our Nation's urban parklands a richer and more meaningful part of the life of all Americans

To MANAGE the National Park System so that all Americans, now and in the future, may be assured of the privilege

  • of experiencing the serenity of quiet forests and the renewing strength of nature unimpaired
  • of letting their spirits return — through the touch of hammered iron, rough-hewn wall, and treasured relic — to the presence of the men and women who built America
  • of knowing the exhilaration of a rushing river, the feel of sun-warmed beaches and pounding surf, and the high adventure of the great outdoors

To SEEK out and foster the protection of the finest of what now remains unprotected of the Nation's natural and cultural inheritance and its outdoor recreational opportunities

To JOIN with all people of this and other Nations in conserving and renewing the total environment to keep this world a delight to live in

George B. Hartzog,

Last Updated: 05-Jun-2007