The National Park Service has thousands of partner organizations that work with us on projects and programs in parks and communities around the nation. Here are just a few.
In communities we work with:
- State Historic Preservation Officers and the Internal Revenue Service, to review and approve projects that use federal tax credits to give historic buildings new lives.
- States, to make Land and Water Conservation Fund grants to support local recreation projects.
- Indian Tribes, on historic preservation.
- Organizations that provide volunteers, funding, logistical support, and advocacy for the National Trail System.
- National heritage areas, to promote local history and encourage heritage tourism.
- Communities, to help them conserve rivers, preserve open space and develop trails and greenways.
In parks we work with...
- Friends Groups and the National Park Foundation, who raise friends and funds to support the work of the parks.
- Cooperating Associations, to operate bookstores for park visitors and support education.
- Universities in the national network of Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units, to study park Resources to make science-based management decisions.
- The youth organizations to offer opportunities for kids to experience national parks.
- Educators in our Teacher-Ranger-Teacher program, offering a summer working in parks and then sharing that experience in the classroom during the school year.
Last updated: May 14, 2014