The Climate Change Response Program works to foster communication, provide guidance, scientific information, and recommendations that support stewardship actions to preserve our natural and cultural heritage from the detrimental impacts of global climate change.
Our work is strategic, adaptive, and collaborative, and supports the mission of the parks and the values of the public we serve. We promote new ideas, continually learn about the land, and reach out to partners. We recognize that climate change is complex and requires coordinated action in long-term planning and policy, and that collective action should promote national and global leadership. With climate change, we have an enormous challenge to conserve park resources and provide for the enjoyment of those resources by the people of this country.
Climate Change Response Strategy
The NPS Climate Change Response Strategy (PDF - 5.02 MB) provides direction to our agency and employees for addressing and lessening the effects of climate change. It describes goals and objectives to guide our actions to protect the natural and cultural resources under our care through four integrated components: science, adaptation, mitigation, and communication.
Last updated: May 8, 2020