An innovative and dynamic partnership born in the 1990’s
Over the past two decades, this innovative partnership has expanded the ability of NPS-RTCA to implement its conservation and outdoor recreation mission in underserved communities. In collaboration with community leaders nationwide, we are helping to ensure equitable access to green spaces and increasing opportunities for local residents to actively engage in policy development and decision-making. By helping each community advance their own environmental justice agenda, we are able to “change systems, change places, and change lives”—creating healthy, thriving, and resilient communities for everyone!
The National Park Service - Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program (NPS-RTCA) administers the program, helping build the capacity of Groundwork Trusts nationwide. NPS-RTCA’s staff support the incubation of new Trusts; coordinate the new trust process; and provide ongoing assistance to Groundwork Trusts in partnership with Groundwork USA.
Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization provides funding to NPS-RTCA for the purposes of administering the Groundwork program – establishing new Groundwork Trusts and supporting ongoing capacity building activities.
Groundwork USA is the capacity builder organization for the Trusts – administering funding, program assistance, and peer learning opportunities to support Trusts as they mature.
Groundwork Trusts — independent, locally-led 501(c)(3) nonprofit entities — work with residents and community organizations to achieve their specific healthy, thriving, and resilient vision.
Last updated: March 26, 2024